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Coffey Curve replacement blades?

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AFAIK, Sher-Wood is the only Coffey curve, correct?

I'm getting a set of Easton Ultra Lite shafts and need blades to go with them. What would you guys suggest?

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Really? I have them all in my garage (except the Kane). Would you like me to take a picture? They are all within .5 lie the coffey may be a little deeper but they are all very close.

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I hate the coffey pattern, I have a righty taper blade. I just can't get used to the curve and especially the height of the blade

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Don't know a whole lot about shafts and blades, but would Sherwood make blades that would be compatible with those shafts you mentioned, or at least, blades that would fit with minor adjustments? Because if they do, then you wouldn't need to worry too much about Coffey clones ;)

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Base makes a Coffey curve in right handed for sure. It is not on there web site but I own one. The number and name on the blade are BC04 Bankoske. I don't know that this will help you Chapel because I think Base only makes tapered blades.

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From Left:

Perron, Hossa, Kovi, Coffey

While they are all fairly deep mid curves, there are some pretty significant differences between them as well.

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Kane / Hossa are both 1/2" I believe, while Coffey is 3/4". Toe shape is also different.

I actually think that while it is a smaller curve, in terms of shape and lie, the Reebok Datsyuk might be the closest to the Coffey.

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I was using a Coffey and went to a Hossa because of the lower lie. it isn't exactly the same but didn't really feel that different to me and the lie works better for me.

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well, I went out and bought 3 more Coffey blades and a Lidstrom.

1 Sher-Wood 950 Coffey and 2 Ballistik 52 Cal Coffeys and a single Lidstrom Ballistik 52 Cal

interested to try them out

In a game, I don't get a lot of chances to shoot, so the Lidstrom may be good for playing defence.

I'm more concerned with how it's going to work for passing.

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well, I went out and bought 3 more Coffey blades and a Lidstrom.

1 Sher-Wood 950 Coffey and 2 Ballistik 52 Cal Coffeys and a single Lidstrom Ballistik 52 Cal

interested to try them out

In a game, I don't get a lot of chances to shoot, so the Lidstrom may be good for playing defence.

I'm more concerned with how it's going to work for passing.

I find passing to be a lot more difficult with deep curves. Then again, I go heel to toe on almost everything, so wedges are perfect for me.

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I'm thinking the open face of the Lidstrom won't be good for passing. The Coffey is great though. The eurocurve was pretty good too, but they haven't made that since like 94.

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I'm thinking the open face of the Lidstrom won't be good for passing. The Coffey is great though.

You need a very different motion to pass with a wedge. Either is fine for passing, if you use the right mechanics for that blade.

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