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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Where can I get Bauer Supreme MX3 in E width?

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I am typically a D width but I love the fit of the Supreme line however the heel and toe box of the NXGs were too narrow. I'm thinking if I got a pair of MX3s in 8.5E that they would be just perfect but retailers only seem to sell D width or EE width. Where do I get E width?

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The only way to get the MX3 wider than the retail D width yet narrower than the retail EE width is by going the custom route.

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The thing is, the Vapors fit my feet great... The boot just isn't deep enough. I had x90s and they were nice but broke and so I went to the x100s and the first skate was great and after that it was all down hill. The fit works besides the depth. The boot was too shallow and gave me crippling lace bite

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The thing is, the Vapors fit my feet great... The boot just isn't deep enough. I had x90s and they were nice but broke and so I went to the x100s and the first skate was great and after that it was all down hill. The fit works besides the depth. The boot was too shallow and gave me crippling lace bite

If that's the case, then a Supreme at any width wider than D would almost certainly be a poor fit anyway. And even a D width Supreme would be questionable.

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The MX3 I tried on and skated with at BauerWorld in October had a different volume fit than my NXG. Just wait until they are released to confirm exactly what width fits you best.

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