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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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iginla curve= what in warrior

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Hello, seeing the dt1 on hockey monkey for like 159, I'm thinking about getting it, but I like really like the iginla curve, what warrior curve is the most similar to the iginla, I'm thinking either burrows or Zetterberg.

thanks in advance.

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Kovalchuk has much bigger hook on it (which I like), and is also longer in length.

Zetts also has bigger hook, longer in length, and open face (so it is nothing like Iginla).

Burrows has lower lie, but is otherwise similar (small hook, closed face).

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My Warrior Zetts has a closed face. Yes it is a bit longer but of the Warrior patterns it’s the closest to the Easton Iggy.

The Burrows is whats closest to the Easton old Zetts now Cammalleri pattern

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My Warrior Zetts has a closed face. Yes it is a bit longer but of the Warrior patterns it’s the closest to the Easton Iggy.

The Burrows is whats closest to the Easton old Zetts now Cammalleri pattern

Good point- I was referring to the Warrior Dynasty AXT1 replacement blade (I own and have used Kopitar, Kovalchuk, Zetterberg). It is possible that new Warrior sticks or older paddles have different specs. I think it is also noteworthy that the rocker on Iginla is minimal, while it is rather pronounced on my Zetterberg. The Iginla pattern that I know (have) is Easton Mako II replacement blade.

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The old robitaille curve was probably the closest to the iginla. That was the first curve I fell in love with. Later renamed kovalchuck and re speced into what it is today sadly.

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Which one is more straight, Burrows or Zetterberg? I have only seen those Warrior blade pattern chart pics and they look pretty similar to me.

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Burrows is straighter between those two.

Which one is more straight, Burrows or Zetterberg? I have only seen those Warrior blade pattern chart pics and they look pretty similar to me.

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Thanks guys. Yeah, I know it is the P88 clone, but we have a very poor selection here where I live, so most of the sticks are P92 clones.

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