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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Rebaking skates?

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Bought a pair of Easton Z-Air Comp SE's from CBJ and they fit ok, but I want to bake them to get them perfect. If I remember correctly you can bake skates something like three times before they may ruin.

What temperature I set and how long I keep them in?

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skate in them to get them perfect..wear them when you're watching TV, etc..but use baking as a way to fine tune if needed..

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Does wearing them while your sleeping work? I've been doing this with my v-12's for the past 4 days, and was just wondering if it is a waste of my time or not....

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Another source...lost in time..told us to do it at 170 for 15 minutes...all about the same, but turn the oven off after preheating. Todays glues and materials have changed with the ultra-lightweight skates, so I would be very carefull to check with the manufacturer about their recommendations.

Six years ago I gave my elder son in Montreal a new pair of CCm 952's for his Christmas present....he put them in the oven and sat down to wait on the couch, but dozed off. Nine hours later he woke up to an awfull smell in the kitchen. His new and unused size 13 CCM 952's, had become size 9's....... <_< "Sounds like a warranty claim to me" said I........... :P

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Does wearing them while your sleeping work? I've been doing this with my v-12's for the past 4 days, and was just wondering if it is a waste of my time or not....


don't you ever move around when you sleep? i.e. kick yourself by accident? imo, wearing skates while sleeping could be pretty painful.

as for molding, i baked some mission amp 02's at around 170 for 10 mins and they were good to go

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Does wearing them while your sleeping work? I've been doing this with my v-12's for the past 4 days, and was just wondering if it is a waste of my time or not....

What if you have to take a leak in the middle of the night?! It'd be cool to be able to skate to the john.

Found this awhile ago about CCM skates:


Heat your oven up to 225 degrees fahrenheit .

-Once the oven reaches this temperature, put them in for about 4 (to 6) minutes (Take out the footbeds)

-Check the skates throughout the process to make sure they are not getting too soft. (If they do, take them out immediately)

-When the time is up, replace the footbeds, tie up your skates as tight as you can and sit down for 10 minutes. Do not walk around.

-After the 10 minutes, let your skates cool down for a couple of hours.

In all cases, I think its a good idea to remember to remove the footbeds while they are in the oven.

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they were a much older pair..(we're talking old Bauer H7 or H9's back in the day) but I did just that when i had to get them somewhat broken in 2 days before a tournament...

since V12's aren't heat moldable..wearing them is the best thing you can do..

one thing i do at times to help speed the process is to have socks that are very thin, but slightly damp...(think really hot water that evaporates the second you touch it..)as this sweating seems to hasten the process a bit..

most of the stuff i've heard about Nike is their GameReadyFit keeps the break-in time to a min though..so 1 or 2 days on them should be all you need.

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The V-12's are heat modable. The tounge is especially made for it. You just don't put them in for very long. I opted not to bake mine only because they already have duribility issues, and heating them wouldn't help.

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Like I said..call the manufacturer to be sure before baking. Have them email you their recommendations, and keep a copy. Better yet...take them to your local LHS, IF YOU BOUGHT THEM THERE, and have them do it..... :D

Mission has already changed their baking recommendations a couple of times this year on their skates, and it is different for both series of skates(Missions). On the Heliums they went from seven minutes, to three minutes, and are now back to seven or five.....??? See Justin's various posts on this in the last couple of months.

The technologies and lighter materials being used are changing pretty fast right now, and so even the manufacurers are guessing a bit I would bet.

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Honestly for the V12's I am not sure....my son used the HiHo's which are pretty close, and without any baking they were fine. Again call the guys who make them to be sure..then if anything goes wrong and you have their instructions in writing, you have something to stand on.....

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Yah, Im not sure if sleeping with them on was a super idea, because I have 2 red spots on each foot (penny sized) that havent any feeling since I woke up lol

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Baked them in my home oven and everything went fine. one by one - temperature 175-190 F for about ten minutes and then weared them for ten plus mins...

I'll know how much they actually changed when I'm on ice but it felt like I got rid of few hotspots.

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I wouldn't recommend using a home oven unless it's a true convection oven. All ovens are different and many have hot spots. (Ever bake cookies and some were brown and others not??) Anyway, beware you could damage your skates. Try to find someone with an oven that has convection mode (air heat). This is essentially what the pro shops use.

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Don't know if it has been mentioned in here but it's preferable to wrap the skates in a damp, thin towel when putting them in the oven. It prevents them from getting hot-spots (burns) and the moist will make them even flexier.

Last but not least: Do NOT walk on them when you wear them in heated state. That might deform them more than you want.

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I wouldn't recommend using a home oven unless it's a true convection oven. All ovens are different and many have hot spots. (Ever bake cookies and some were brown and others not??) Anyway, beware you could damage your skates. Try to find someone with an oven that has convection mode (air heat). This is essentially what the pro shops use.

Turning off the oven when you put the skates in will help minimize any hot spot problems.

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