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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Easton RSII vs Warrior Covert DT1LT

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Here's my question, I love the RsII and I'm used to it and everything, and my old stick was a warrior with a burrows curve and it took me forever to adjust to the Easton Iginla curve. Now I'm wondering if it would take me just as long to adjust back to the burrows curve. Should just stick with what I know I like or if I should try dt1lt?

thanks in advance

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The stick is cheap on sale right now. It's a burrows curve too, so at worst it should be an easy resell

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Let me add on to this, as the 4 sticks i have it narrowed down to instead of just those two.

Easton RsII

Pros-I already have it, no adjustment time needed.

cons-the one I have has a dent in the heel, will it happen again?

Warrior Dt1lt

pros- used warrior before Easton

cons-old warrior broke easily, feel was bad.

Sherwood Ek15

pros-lightest stick on the market

cons-haven't heard of any, don't know I'll like the Ryan II curve (p88)

True 6.0 or 5.2

don't know if the 6.0 is worth the price difference.

pros-heard great things about the True sticks

cons-haven't heard of any so far,not sure if I'll like the MC curve (p88)

any feedback would be appreciated as I have no clue what I'm going to get, I think I'm leaning towards the True 5.2 though.

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Regarding the Ryan II and MC88 curves, if you're used to the iginla, it shouldn't be a hard transition as they're supposed to be pretty similar.

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My ek15 is amazing and has held up surprisingly wonderfully. No substantial damage since I've received it for my LTR. I'm consistently tough on toes of sticks yet my ek's is still in great shape and I have no idea why it hasn't chipped there yet. I stopped taping the toe months ago as I prefer not to, and still no damage.

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Long time Easton user switched to Sherwood because Easton is discontinuing the Iggy pattern and as much as I would love to try the CovertDT1/LT still no curve there for me so I will have to say after almost 60 ice times and no loss in whip my Sherwood EK15 95 flex Smyth is a tank and I highly recommend it.

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A lil at first because I like closed curves but I switch between 3 patterns and now 4(iggy, burrows , shanahan, and now Smyth) so I'm used to adapting.

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I wouldnt worry about the new warrior sticks breaking, all the sticks that I have used from them in the past year and a half has held up really well. I think they have solved the issues that they had and now producing pretty solid sticks.

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I couldn't get used to the DT1 LT, it felt a lot more blade heavy than the eastons. Also, it was just weird to load for me....i could shoot fine in warmups but in games i had a hard time releasing the puck quickly.

The only sticks i've been able to use outside of eastons is an APX and Nexus but i could never get used to the curve since they don't have an iginla equivalent outside of mybauer.

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Ditto. I find the Covert series sticks blade heavy and hard to load as well. Easton offerings seem to suit my technique the best.

I couldn't get used to the DT1 LT, it felt a lot more blade heavy than the eastons. Also, it was just weird to load for me....i could shoot fine in warmups but in games i had a hard time releasing the puck quickly.

The only sticks i've been able to use outside of eastons is an APX and Nexus but i could never get used to the curve since they don't have an iginla equivalent outside of mybauer.

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