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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skates pitch: from RBK to Bauer

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I'm gone from RBK 20k to MX3 - i'm lost performance and my balance (one timers, slapshots) after is poor. I need same feel, balance and performance as on my Reebok 20k. Give me advice about how pitch or shims need to have same balance point, performance as on my 20k skates?

Many Thanks.

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Depending on which steel you have in your MX3 holder you could have gone from the stock 10' radius on the Reebok skate to a 9" radius on the Bauer skates. The Reeboks are also a litte more forward leaning than Bauer. I'd say step 1 would be to get the radius adjusted to match what you had on the Reeboks and see how that feels. The next step could be adjusting the profile to get more forward lean or adding heel lifts.

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I thought all the newer holders for Bauer went to 10' radius from 9'? Has somebody been lying to me on other websites D:

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You have to go by the steel and not the holder. I have LS2 steel which has a stock 9' on my Edge holders. The Fusion steel is also a stock 9', LS3 is stock 10'.

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ePro put more on toes then Tuuk Edge or LS2. First what i do, i buy LS2 steel and profiled to 10' radius.On ice i feel, i on heel. I need how pitch or shims i need?

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Here is something I came up with that shows the theoretical effect in degrees of various sized heel shims. This assumes that all of the effect of the thickness will occur at the very rear of the holder and all of the rotation will occur at the very front of the holder. I believe (I could be wrong) that the difference between the Bauers and the Reeboks are around 0.5 degrees. I am not a skate technician so seek someone qualified for REAL advice. Incidentally, the value laserrobottime posted above agrees with these tables if you assume a difference of 0.5 degrees.


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It's just about profiling your runners correctly.

I agree. There are too many variables, and you absolutely can't compare old skates to new skates and make adjustments based on that. Since he/she already knows they feel on their heels, start with 1/32" of pitch and go from there. Most who skate on bauers feel like they are on their heels, it's amazing what a little pitch can do. Much easier to adjust pitch with radius than to rivet in/out various thicknesses of lifts, plus once the lifts are in, how do you make sure that correction stays constant?

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A heel lift is much more constant than a profile job.

Only if you have a great sharpener. What do you do when you dont and they remove too much steel from the rear or alter the pivot point? The effects of your lifts are altered.

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Only if you have a great sharpener. What do you do when you dont and they remove too much steel from the rear or alter the pivot point? The effects of your lifts are altered.

You run the same risk with either option. A bad sharpener can ruin your profile just as easy as he/she ruins the effect of lifts.

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You run the same risk with either option. A bad sharpener can ruin your profile just as easy as he/she ruins the effect of lifts.

I agree, so either way you'll need a radius to fix it so why not just get the radius to start with?

A heel lift is a piece of material between the boot and the holder...if the guy sharpening your skates gets near that you have other problems.

We know that but if your hack sharpener takes off too much steel off the rear of your skate, this will reverse the effects of the lift. I see this so often in my area.

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If you have a bad sharpener, he'll ruin a radius/profile job faster than a heel lift. stop taking your skates to him

My two cents

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