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Bauer Skate model / year comparison

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How does the quality of skates change from year to year? The way I understand it, in theory anyway, is that when a new year of vapors are released the top level skate is superior to the previous year, basically replaces it, and pushes last year skate to number 2. Make sense?

I have bauer vapor x:60 from 2011. Would the 2013 x60 be at the same quality or lower or higher quality?

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Its mostly marketing spin.

The current x60 is vastly inferior to the x:60. The x60 is most comparable to the x:20

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That's what I figured. I really hate the names, I should really go with a different brand out of spite, but I probably won't.

I think we will shoot for x90 or x100 or if we can get lucky and find and x7 we will go with that.

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I belive tha tthe X60 back then would be comparable to the APX X80 today. At least the same or similar specs.

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In my experience, and gauging by others opinions, unless there is a complete redesign the differences are subtle. More akin to new models being 1 and old 1.1 than it is 1 and 2. Average Johnny beer leaguer won't see a performance boost

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That's what I figured. I really hate the names, I should really go with a different brand out of spite, but I probably won't.

I think we will shoot for x90 or x100 or if we can get lucky and find and x7 we will go with that.

I agree wholeheartedly about the shady naming convention!

If you're serious about another brand, give the new Tacks line a look. I tried them on and was very impressed.

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I used to have Tacks when I was a kid. I certainly would check them out, but hoping to find a bargain. Shopping for skates for my kid, it;s one of the most painful experiences I have even know, dropping hundreds of dollars on something that will be used for 12 months or so.

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Why not search out for used skates if spending $ on your kid is so painful?

Because used equipment is disgusting, and the few times I have eventertained the idea, the value doesn't seem to be there. It's not spending money on the kid it's spending money on a product with a short lifespan.

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Not mine. Kids take good care of skates. Liner out blades wiped every time. Easy to tell skate condition. No smell, no rust on rivet, blade sharpened properly no banana. 20 is or makos well kept that a kid outgrew in 6mo are usually a great deal if they fit well.

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I have the X:40 from when X:60 was top of the line (there was an X:50 in between) & I agree Bauer's naming scheme for the Vapor line is confusing now. I usually find the equivalent by price now...

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Yeah it is a bit confusing. The Supreme line is a lot more intuitive. Just do a bit of research or find what you're comfortable with by price.

I'd definitely buy used for my kid! Hopefully he will have an older brother with similar feet haha

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I belive tha tthe X60 back then would be comparable to the APX X80 today. At least the same or similar specs.

2011 x:60 would be more similar to the 2013 x90

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Past few Vapor lines have tended to add a skate at the top of the line and thus pushing the previous model down one level when doing a line to line comparison.

So yes, X:60 (top) = X7.0 (second from top) = X90 (third).

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