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Sakic vs. Jokinen

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Ok, this is the problem. I broke my Synergy a couple weeks ago and have now got: Si-Core, with Synthesis blade that I am using the most recently, A Reebok 6K, an M-1 with a Synthesis Blade, and a Sherwood 5030 with a Crosby Curve. I am getting a Vapor XX for Christmas, and was hoping that someone who has switched from Sakic to a Jokinen (P106) could tell me how easy or not easy it was to switch from the two curves. Also if they felt the same with wrist shots/snap shots. Thanks a lot.

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P106 is nothing like a sakic. One is a lofty mid/toe that's real open (sakic) and the other is a moderate heel curve (Joki).

If you're used to snaps wristers with a sakic I think you're going to have some issues with a heel curve. Nothing you won't get used to, but it's not going to be an instant thing.

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It'll be close to your Crosby curve (the Jokinen). I make similar switches fairly often as I like loft, but find the Drury to be pretty scarce. It won't be an instant jump, but it's not overly difficult either.

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I think that I will just go for the Joki, no use in trying the Lindros because I had that before and hated it. In the Intermediate version of it, it looks a little bit less of a mid-heel curve, and more like a Sakic so I'll give'r a go, and let you know how it is. Thanks for the advice.

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pm9 really isnt like a sakic either, the hossa is a modano clone so its a slight mid heel curve. i would say your best bet is to go with a p88. Ive made that switch before and didnt find it very drastic at all.

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the naslund is almost dead on to the sakic i compared them at my lhs

When did anyone mention the Naslund?

if he is comming from a sakic he might want to take bak the jokinen and go for the naslund

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I would but I'm not gonna hit up the 87 flex, the flex is more important to me than what the curve is, and they don't have Naslund in 77.. <_< It's ok though, thanks for the advice.

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The TFG PL106 (Jokinen) that I had resembled a Sakic quite a bit, surprisingly. I dunno if they just used to be like that though. I haven't seen any in Vapor XX.

I forgot to mention though, that I haven't played with a Sakic for about two years. I was just saying they looked quite similar.

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I've played w/ both curves and i dont' find them similar (referring to the sakic and the p106). I've found that both the shooting and the stickhandling have to be adjusted. Coming from a sakic to a p106(joki, heatley, whatever it is now), you can get off snappers, but it takes some shifts to get a handle on the shot and to keep the puck from flying over the net.

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Sorry to bring up a "dead" topic but Im having some trouble with my shots rising a little to much with a sakic and Im thinking about trying a heel curve anyway, but would I have just as much trouble with my shots being to high with the p106?

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Sorry to bring up a "dead" topic but Im having some trouble with my shots rising a little to much with a sakic and Im thinking about trying a heel curve anyway, but would I have just as much trouble with my shots being to high with the p106?

Id try a Hossa, Forsberg, or Lindros instead

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Sorry to bring up a "dead" topic but Im having some trouble with my shots rising a little to much with a sakic and Im thinking about trying a heel curve anyway, but would I have just as much trouble with my shots being to high with the p106?

i use the jokinen a lot, and none of my shots fly over the net. i've used a sakic, and never really had a problem there either. you should be able to keep them down more with the jokinen then the sakic, as the jokinen's not as open as the sakic curve is.

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just try shortening your follow-through, i went from a modano to a drury and found out i can't follow through as much, or high in this case, but love the drury though, its just sweet

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Which number is Nasuland's curve? The PM91?

Also, I'm thinking about getting a TPS, what do they have closest to a sakic?

Naslund Curve is p92

and the Nash curve is the closest TPS curve to the sakic

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Hey which are the Easton, CCM, TPS, RBK and Mission clones of a P106 Jokinen (Bauer) ?

I made i list via Excel, but i couldnt find the Jokinen clones on MSH!

If someone is interested in this clone list, just message me.

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Hey which are the Easton, CCM, TPS, RBK and Mission clones of a P106 Jokinen (Bauer) ?

I made i list via Excel, but i couldnt find the Jokinen clones on MSH!

If someone is interested in this clone list, just message me.

i don't think any other of those companies have a jokinen clone. it's kinda of a unique curve.

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And which are the closest ?

none really. modano/forsberg may be the closest, but where the modano forsgerg is small closed mid curve, the jokinen's bigger heel and slightly open. same lie, 5 i believe. i've seen some tucker blades on some tps one pieces that are similar, but nothing is a direct clone of the p106

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And which are the closest ?

TPS Tucker/Perry is probably as close as any but that has a higher lie.

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