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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sock Tuck Style (P.Kane #88)

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How does Patrick Kane and others do their sock tuck style without making it look bulky or big when you skate by the ankles, Jagr does it but thats the style that happens when i do it (Bulky Looking) and I just am trying to figure how he keeps it looking perfect basically haha, any suggestions on shin pads or shin pad modifications?

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How does Patrick Kane and others do their sock tuck style without making it look bulky or big when you skate by the ankles, Jagr does it but thats the style that happens when i do it (Bulky Looking) and I just am trying to figure how he keeps it looking perfect basically haha, any suggestions on shin pads or shin pad modifications?

Haha, this is exactly what I've been wondering too! I really like the smooth look of Kovalchuk, Semin etc, but I just can't seem to make it look as cool.

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it has to do with the bulkiness and length of the shinguard. along with the fact that some tuck part of the sock underneath and where the positioning of the striping happens to fall on the shin.

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You ever seen Cinderella? Well, it's like that - the equipment manager has these little sentient mice that sew the sock's hem down and to the tendon guard every night. Real slick, and you only have to pay them in cheese. They sing, too.

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