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Totalone NXG - an unusual case of lace bite

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Hi guys, I spent a good hour searching the threads to find my answer however no dice.

Has anyone experienced a serious case of lace bite after skating in the same skate for 12 months? I'm in a pair of Supreme Totalone NXG's 7.5 D with a mid flex tongue insert. The skate is great fit for me in every way, baked once, wonderfully sized, care free and comfortable in every way possible. I use 96" bauer waxed white laces and change them every 3-4 weeks. I'm 5'8, 75 kg's and I skate 4-5 times per week. My skating stance or techniqque for use of a better word is low with full strides.

12 months after purchase I took a small break over Christmas and dropped back to skating twice a week. After a short break from a lot of hockey, I've returned to lace bite in both skates at the bottom of the shin where the top eyelet meets the ankle.

3 sessions with my Physiotherapist which included some deep tissue massage, ultrasound and stretches has assisted in the right ankle making a really quick recovery. However! I'm now at the point where I cannot skate unless the tongue inserts are removed and the top eyelets are abnormally loose.

Any suggestions how to work with my skate to get this issue underway? My winter season is just around the corner and I'm stressing out that at this rate I'll play 1 period and have to stop skating as the pain is that excruciating.

Why after a year of enjoying this amazing skate has this happend?

The pain almost automatically stops once the boot is removed and I can train on dry land or in the gym with no issues.

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You can try leaving the top eyelet undone. Non-waxed laces will also have a little more give. Don't know that either options are viable solutions, but they are easy and cheap to try.

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Have you changed the foot beds since you got the skates? My co-worker had this happen to him when he got new insoles for his skates

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Have you changed the foot beds since you got the skates? My co-worker had this happen to him when he got new insoles for his skates

Stock Bauer footbed to Yellow Superfeet inserted from day 1.

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I have the exact same problem as you if i skate in my totalones without bunga pad sleeves. With them on though, i feel no pain whatsoever.

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I have the exact same problem as you if i skate in my totalones without bunga pad sleeves. With them on though, i feel no pain whatsoever.

JoSe, I'd love to hear more about your situation. Care to share?

I've just ordered a pair of Bunga lace bite pads as well as ankle pads.

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Could be that the tongue broke down in that area. When you flex it forward, do you feel a sharp edge where your lacebite is?

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JoSe, I'd love to hear more about your situation. Care to share?

I've just ordered a pair of Bunga lace bite pads as well as ankle pads.

so if i understand your situation correctly, i have problems in the exact same area as youre describing - around top eyelet in height, pain right in between the ankle bone and anterior ligament. I tried to experiment with the tongue inserts (going up/down in flex, upgrading to mx3 inserts which offer a bit more coverage) without really getting any results. In the end, the sleeves was the only thing working - now i just put them on before every skate, making sure that the problem area is covered. i have the sleeves with anterior padding, so i need to "twist" them a tiny bit to really cover the area that i want. dont know if this is the best solution, but this was the only sleeve i could find at my lhs and so far i havent had any issues doing it this way. It is worth to mention that i dont feel any hindrance or bulkiness with the sleeves in the skates. Once im out skating, its like i dont even have them on.

Let me know if the pads that you bought help! Good luck!

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As a previous poster mentioned, the most likeliest reason is the tongue has broken down enough so that the laces are now exerting a knife edge type pressure on your ankle tendons as opposed to the tongue spreading the tension from the laces across a wide area. Everyone I know of who has had this issue and put new tongues in had the issue go away. If you don't want to go down this path then there are some other options:-

- bunga pads

- forsberg pad (search the threads, cheap and easy to make, I use them all the time now)

- any other kind of pad or sleeve made of rubber, closed cell neoprene or other material or even an old tongue laid over your current one

- option B laces

- skip the top eyelet (until other sections of the tongue break down)

Bottom line is you have to fix it, it won't go away and every time you irritate the tendon it can take longer to heal.


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I had this exact same issue with my Vapor 7.0's, it was to the point to where I couldn't skate and it was the tongue digging in. An old equipment manager gave me a couple pieces of this grey thin material cut into a section of about 3-4" in length and about 2" wide. I just placed this piece in my skate on the area of my ankle as I laced up and it worked. I think it was a piece of maybe neoprene foam or rubber. It molded to the shape of my ankle and skate tongue and held it's shape which makes me think it's some type of neoprene. When I see the guy next, I'll try and ask him what the material is and where he got it. The issue has since went away and I no longer need the material.

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Could be that the tongue broke down in that area. When you flex it forward, do you feel a sharp edge where your lacebite is?

That would be my expectation. Gel or neoprene pads are the cheap answer, tongue replacement is the more expensive option.

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I had exactly this problem.. culminating in a nice lump at the front of each foot, in line with the ankle. CCM have some ankle neoprene, gel pads.. and they made the problem go away, but they were a pain in the ass with the edges rolling and me feeling them while skating. I found these, they velcro to the tongue, don't shift, and my tendonitus has totally disappeared:


They're also only $9 for a pack of 2

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gotta be the tongue inserts. they crease at the point where the laces cross and your foot flexes forward. i made my own since the bungas wont stay in place and elites were too thin.

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