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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Ares P2P

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Just wondering If I could get an update on what people are using? Specifically Techno and dance junkies like myself. I've been trying to get some songs, but WinMX is having trouble locating them and when it does finding people willing to share. I've had Kazaa Lite, but switched almost 8 months ago when every song went to that annoying beeping.

This is an example of a song I am looking for, I haven't heard it, just browing a few countdowns. Scarf - Odysse

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Unfortunately, www.torrentsearch.com is down.

I think it got closed. And yes bit torrent is better than everything else...

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I think Ares has been shut down for good. I haven't been able to connect for a few days, and it seems nobody else can either.

Unless they are just fixing the server, I think I'm gonna have to find a new P2P.

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I havent been connecting lately then I went to the ares website and it said if your having problems download this version so I did and now it works.

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One Word : Bittorrent

I usualy get my trackers from www.torrentspy.com

Take the time to learn how to portforward and setup your router and bittorrent client properly. You will be pleased.

Metallica-The Black Album (Complete Cd) Took me over just over 12 minites for the whole cd

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No, you're the one that installs the spyware. You just have to uncheck the things at the beginning of the setup.

It installs spyware without you knowing, just run any of the various spyware programs available.

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One Word : Bittorrent

I usualy get my trackers from www.torrentspy.com

Take the time to learn how to portforward and setup your router and bittorrent client properly. You will be pleased.

Metallica-The Black Album (Complete Cd) Took me over just over 12 minites for the whole cd

how do you use bittorent, i just downloaded it, have no idea how to use it

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Are people having problems with Adware and Spyware for Ares lite? I only had the desktop option when I installed. It's running well thus far, WinMX was just killing me.

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I'd check out bearshare too. Same type of program and it works great, I haven't come up with any fake songs or anything yet and they all download for me in under a minute, movies take about hour and a half or 2 hours.

Stay away from Bearshare. Tons of Adware and Spyware come with that B****

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One Word : Bittorrent

I usualy get my trackers from www.torrentspy.com

Take the time to learn how to portforward and setup your router and bittorrent client properly. You will be pleased.

Metallica-The Black Album (Complete Cd) Took me over just over 12  minites for the whole cd

how do you use bittorent, i just downloaded it, have no idea how to use it

It's actually pretty easy.

Think of the bittorrent client as a download manager. BTW don't use the official BT client, it's junk, use something like Azureus or ABC.

Once you have installed the Client go to a site that hosts BT Trackers. Some of my favorite are Torrentspy and TorrentReactor.

Choose a file to download and save it to your hd (Save as or Save Target As)

Open BT client and click open tracher and choose the file you just saved.

It will begin downloading.

Remember that DL speeds increase as time goes by.

Contribute and Seed

On a side note, Windows users can use exeem, i'm on a mac and at the moment there aren't any clients for the platform. From my understanding it is basically like BT in a Search Based Client kind of like Kazaa, Limewire or any other p2p client. This my be simpler and more apealing to those who don't fell comfortable using BT

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im trying to download ares or any other filesharing program but everytime i click to download, it takes me to a page that says im not authorized to view that page. Is there something i need to change in my browser to be able to do this. ive never had any problems before with downloading programs like this, so this just started recently.

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Ok I have been using ares for a really long time now since and I posted this thread and before. I had to reinstall the new update and it has been working ever since. Ares doesnt install spyware, thats one of the big pluses about it. If its not connecting for you get the new version.

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Just curious as to what most people are using these days? I haven't downloaded in a while and would like to know what others are using to try out a few new programs. I am still on Ares.

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