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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CCM-Reebok protective

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Does anybody know if ccm will carry over the reebok protective line? Saw pictures of ccm 20k shin pads but what about the rest of the line?

I may need new shin pads soon and would like to stick with reebok/jofa stuff and thinking about buying reebok 18k pads now. But if ccm keeps the line or updates it I may wait.

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I think they're going to carry over the line from Reebok and have the 3 lines like they do with their skates, RBZ, Tacks and #K. Similar to how Bauer has the Vapor, Supreme and Nexus lines.

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I have a pair of the 20k Shins and they are labeled ccm but the knee still has the reebok logo on them. I assume once they hit retail the knee cap will say ccm as well. All labeling aside they are appear to be exactly the same as the retail reebok 20k's.

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So any new info here?

Son has been in Reebok shin/elbow forever, would like to continue & about that time.

What are the chances that CCM adds a Ribcore line(following the Jofa/Reebok JDP) in he near future, to their RBZ & Tacks protective line?

Maybe I can just find some closeout 20K stuff.....

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The new tacks line is a continuation of the Reebok protective. If you want to save then look for 20k gear on clearance.

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