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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What did you get?

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I got a iPod mini, bose sound cancellation headphones, 8000 shoulders, 3 wood sticks(dad insists i go back to wood) clothes, portable DVD player, Gretzky NHL2005, sum other games and DVDS.

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Thanks guys, Hell didn't even have to freeze over but it tried its damndest down here.


It's the photo one and it's nice. I'm charging her up still and hopefully it'll be able to go before today.


Yeah, I should have enough to fill but I doubt it'll be full of music because I'm going to load pics onto it.

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Congrats Mack!

Does this mean we turn the expo into Mack's MSH bachelor party? This could be dangerous.

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huh? Mack engaged? noooooooo, he MUST be kidding!

Well I figured now's as good a time as any to get ex #1 out of the way. LV for my bachelor party? Who's bringing the donkey?

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An authentic russian dynamo jersey, #32 Alexander Ovechkin.(OBEYKNH is what it says on the back)A CCM vector V120c, NHL 2005, Don Cherry 16, Fast and the furious 1 and 2, lotsa socks, and some other crap(cologne, hockey tape, etc.).

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One Stealth,Two Response+,Vapor XXX skates,New alienware Computer with 40" LCD screen new LCD tv and sum cash.

Holy crap, that a ton of money. Your parents must love you!

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One Stealth,Two Response+,Vapor XXX skates,New alienware Computer with 40" LCD screen new LCD tv and sum cash.

I find that pretty damn hard to believe. AFAIK the biggest LCD alienware sells is a 30" LCD, they alone are like 3100 bucks, so what kind of parents would honestly spend 8 or 9 thousand on one kid?

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$200 cash, cold heat soldering iron, Hero DVD and Lord of the Rings: Return of the King extended edition. $200 will go towards a pair of s500's very shortly. And since I'm a pizza fiend, and make all my own dough from scratch, i got a couple bags of King Arthur Sir Lancelot flour, widely known as being THE best for pizza dough.

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My the family I received:

Aqua Teen Hunger Force Volumes 1-3 on DVD


Bauer Vapor XXX Gloves

A lot of Fox Racing Clothes

Two Patricia Cornwell Novels

CSI for XBox, CSI:Miami for PC

Some Gift cards and some Cash

Very Thankful for all that I have and the friends and family I have as well.

Edit: I received an Official Tim Hortons employee shirt from my sister as a gag gift. She knows I have some off infactuation with Tim Hortons, even though I havent been there before.

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Lots of clothes (hollister, abercrombie, areo, lucky, and shady).

$250 in cash.

hockey kit that easton sells.

and I got a bunch of dvds.

I didn't get much hockey stuff because I always get my knew stuff right around june 1st.

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No hockey stuff but I got The Sims 2, a DVD box with the Swedish movie "The Charter Trip" and its four sequels (some of my favorite movies ever), some clothes, some chocolate boxes, cash and last but not least, a new printer (HP Color LaserJet). So I'm fine even if Santa didn't bring any hockey stuff. ;)

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Moscow Dynamo Datsyuk jersey.(www.russianjerseys.com)

Chrome Itech cage

Nike Dri-fit (black and grey)

clothes, jeans

Dvds(don cherry 16, slap shot 1&2.

Wireless keyboard and mouse.

Simonize car polisher

Tons and tons of junk food.



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Moscow Dynamo Datsyuk jersey.(www.russianjerseys.com)

Chrome Itech cage

clothes, jeans

Dvds(don cherry 16, slap shot 1&2.

Wireless keyboard and mouse.

Simonize car polisher

Tons and tons of junk food.



Same as mine, but Ovechkin. Wicked nice jersey. :)

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