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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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easton deal?

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yea theyre usually not during the "regular season"... i think thats actually better than having them during the prime hockey season.. you have a little bit more time to break them in and such

Its because sales usually dry in June, July. For me I dont buy skates till the beginning of the season cause my feet arent done growing.

They don't have the promotions during the summer because of dry sales, but because thats when most people buy their gear for the upcoming season, especially skates.

If that were the reason then the promotions would be running at the end of August since most seasons start in early September. It runs early in the summer to get a jump on sales.

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Really? I just remember hearing one of the reps (I forget which) talking about how a lot of skate sales happen in the middle of the summer because it gives the guys a month or two to break in their skates before their season starts. I know I personally buy a large portion of my gear around that time for that exact reason, and have noticed the same trend with others. I understand what you're saying though, wouldn't surprise me if you were right.

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I know a lot of shops hate the promotions. Is that the reason you were given or is it confidence the product will finally sell on its own?

He didn't give a specific reason, but I would guess it's a combination of the two.

Also, it's not set in stone... Easton could always change their minds and decide to offer a promotion. But at this point, it sounds like it isn't going to happen.

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I second that JR. Those skates actually fit my weird feet, and they are extremely comfy, and light. I can see them selling alot of these skates, especially in the GTA where parents are willing to shell out the money for their kids to have the "cool" equipment. I would buy a pair myself if I had the money, but that is only because they fit :huh:

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if you already have the skates and there is a deal can you still get the stick


or is it only if you buy the skates during a specific month?


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