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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Whats the best video game every

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For me its Final Fantasty VII i started playing it again over christmas break and wow alot better then i remeber. Halo aint got story line on FF7 i still havent bet the first or second Halo yet. My second would be Resident Evil and god was the Remake wicked.

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Mike Tyson's Punchout... You know I'm right!

hells yes!

although its not in the same style as halflife or gta, ace combat 5: the unsung war, is pretty sweet. ac5 is a freaking fantastic game if you're into jet fighters....or hell, mostly for all the top gun wannabees in the house.

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I liked the first Half Life. That story I thought was the best so far.

Yeah. The second one is good, but it seems more about showing off the new graphics and how peoples mouthes move when they speak, rather than the huge attention to detail on the story in HL1. The crossbow pinning people up against walls is a cool tuch though.

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metal gear solid

I'm a HUGE fan of all the MG games, and if you likes MGS, you will LOVE MGS:3 Snake Eater, easily the best game I've ever played, and I have played a hell of alot of games.

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best storyline IMO is mario paint.......

Dude the fly swatting game on that gets hard after a while. It's pretty deep........... :lol:

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i heard people saying fable is a great story line, kinda lackluster to me

i have another besides metal gear, fight night, quantum fighter and double dragon for NES, or street fighters, those were sick when u beast them, each guys story was diff.

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"Donkey Kong Sucks" (I thought it was appropriate)

Billy Madison!

LOL.... I remember that...

Scottie: "Donkey Kong sucks!"

Billy : "YOU SUCK!"

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