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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Bauer Vapor 1X Stick

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Has anyone ben using the Vapor 1X stick and/or replacement blades for awhile? I am looking to stock up on some tapered blades, and it is between BASE and Vapor 1X. In the Reviews section of the Product listing over at HM, I read that the Vapor 1X blade is soft, and seems to go limp and/or lose its pop. As a bigger guy who can be rough on sticks, I want to make sure that my blades have good stiffness/ strength/ rigidity (wish that CCM made blades that they put on the 30K and 40K Ribcor sticks or on the Tacks stick).

I have been using a Warrior Covert QR Pro and this blade has held up pretty well for me, but again, too bad Warrior no longer makes blades.

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I've had a couple of apx2 blades for a few months now and they've been really solid. Both of them have seen a fair bit of game time both ice and roller and they're holding up great, really light too. I have seen lots of blades chipping or splitting at the heel, these are doing none of those things. I'd buy again. I would guess 1x would be similar. Apx2 blades are a dollar cheaper now, however their full retail is for some reason more than 1x.

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I've seen a new warrior catalog showing the dynasty shafts and blades in a new wrapper to match the current dynasty color scheme...but will the release those to the public?

I have just started playing a 75 flex tapered ax1t shaft and like it a lot...wish they did the std in 75.

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Maybe Keith will comment? I love the Warrior blade on my QR Pro, just wish the W88 was a straight face, like the Kovalchuk. I am good with shafts- I got plenty- just need to find the right blades.

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Harrow's got the Recchi/Tavares pattern, which is a neutral mid-curve like the W88, though a slightly lower lie. It looks like it's closer to the shape and curve of the Kovalchuk, which also looks like it's really close to Sher-Wood's Coffey, though those blades are really hard to find now. There's an old topic on the difference between the old Warrior Robitaille and how the Kovalchuk was a slight change from that, which isn't accurately represented in the Pattern DB, where the Kovalchuk is tacked onto the description column in the "Smyth" row.

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I was thinking about trying the 1X stick but I'd like some feedback on how stiff or whippy it plays. I usually play with 87-102 of its Nexus of Supreme. I think they are offered in 95 and 102 but not sure. Also I've read some reviews on pure hockey or monkey saying the blades are dying quick or they're snapping at the low quick point

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And keep in my the 1X blade = APX2 blade, it just has silver TeXtreme. So go with an APX2 closeout blade if you can find 'em.

All BS aside the APX2 was a wildly popular stick but anyone who was strong in their shot or how they played essentially melted through these sticks. Is the 1X the same story in terms of durability? I've seen reviews online and it seems like guys are indeed breaking them at a high rate.

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After the first few shots I thought oh crap it's nothing special but the more and more I used it I got more excited about it. I think I needed to adjust to the kick point but the puck feel alone is worth it, I didn't even feel like alternating because I didn't want to put the stick down. I literally got power out of shots I put nothing into. I took slap shots thinking it was going to be weak because it was a low kick stick but they were hard too. It's super light and the shaft feels great because I swear it's thicker. I have zero regrets adding the extension or going with 102 flex

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After the first few shots I thought oh crap it's nothing special but the more and more I used it I got more excited about it. I think I needed to adjust to the kick point but the puck feel alone is worth it, I didn't even feel like alternating because I didn't want to put the stick down. I literally got power out of shots I put nothing into. I took slap shots thinking it was going to be weak because it was a low kick stick but they were hard too. It's super light and the shaft feels great because I swear it's thicker. I have zero regrets adding the extension or going with 102 flex

Why are you selling them so quickly if you like it so much?

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