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Stick Bags

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why does it matter what kind of stick you put in the bag?

i do whenver i have a woodie just cause i use wax and i dont want shit all over my leather seats.

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my friend made the spruce grove aaa team last year and, he had a wheel bag so the coaches made him get a new bag.

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lol, honestly; who puts their gear in a backpack :blink:

i do. But only because of i got it from sponsorship. And i only use it for Roller.

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I have always hated them. I think they are useless. But that is just my opinion. If you have an expensive care and dont want scratcehes and paint marks, there not a bad idea, but keep it in the car. We call em fag bags around here. Those, and bags on wheels

I'm with you... when did hockey players become such pansies????

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actually back packs are probably more commonly seen in roller, and no one thinks twice about it...if you have to carry your equipment any distance, or stack the bags in a small crowded locker room the back packs take up less space, and are easier to carry through a crowd.

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lol, honestly; who puts their gear in a backpack :blink:

actually, i have seen some players use hockey backpacks on the subway. I think its great for certain situations. The poor student was jammed up like a sardine can on the subway and I definitely think the backpack helped up in that situation. I guess it really helps if you can put it in your locker between classes.

Not everyone is lucky to be able to drive around with a car. Over here, people who don't have cars have to use transit. They advertise it as "The Better Way". For us actual riders we call it "The Bitter Way" especially in the cold winter :(

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I use one too. Keeping the leather nice in my mustang is a lot more important then looking cool. Plus I can think of a lot gayer things then carrying your sticks in a bag.

The first time I brought a stick bag into the change room my team mates started laughing at me, but that doesn't really bother me. I don't let them dictate to me what is right and wrong.

I use a hockey bag for a few reasons:

1) I usually carry 3 hockey sticks (1 powerplay, 1 penalty kill, 1 chippy games)

so I find it easier to carry around.

2) to minimize black hockey tape and wax marks from being smudged around.

3) helps prevent jokers who break their own stick and pass by the bench and just grabbing a spare stick without asking. I can't believe people who do this and let loose with hard slap shots and they know its not their stick.

4) thermal protection. Ok I know this one is a little iffy but my friend claims that it may actually increase the sticks lifespan. He says when you bring a hockey stick from your house into the cold winter temperature and then into the rink and start ripping away shots the stick is more vulnerable to snapping then if you kept the sticks in a hockey stick bag. I don't really know if this is true or not, but it seems somewhat believable ?

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What stick do you use for just a normal part of a game, not PP or PK or a chippy game?

actually, if I had it my way. I would bring out 4-5 sticks for a game. Unfortunately my stick bag starts to really buldge when I try to stick in more than 3 sticks.

Hence, I usually start off with my chippy stick or my penalty kill stick (2 inches longer than my other sticks). The stick I like to use for regular play (Mission Flyweight) people sometimes start hacking away it and that really bothers me so I end up leaving it at home most of the time unless I know I am playing a finese team.

I still love Al McInnis when he said he has up to 7 different sticks on the bench for different game situations.

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I usually take 3 to games, but not designated for pp, pk, and chippy games. I have one for just a normal shift (XN10, regular flex, YP), one for if I find I am shooting a lot of slapshots or passing a lot (1100 shaft, 220, pretty flat curve), and if I'm shooting a lot of wrist shots or am playing close to the net a lot, then I'll go to my third stick (Z Bubble Grip, 85 flex, huge heel wedge).

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I use a stick bag all the time. People who see it act like it's something fancy, but then I pull out the sticks and they think those are ordinary. It's just a black/blue Easton bag. The bag does regulate temperature changes. It's easy to carry, just grab the bag and you don't have to worry about the sticks fanning out. I figure it serves as a scratch guard and those scratches do add up. You'd wrap an Oakley visor, wouldn't you? The stick bag makes less hassel for me and protects my expensive sticks. I'm not sure how the gay association with stick bags came to be, but next time somebody makes that comment say something equally ignorant like "you have nose-picker shoes."

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yah, I'm pretty ghetto and don't drive. I take the bus so I don't really care if the TTC (transit in T.dot)'s upholstry get's messed up with waxed tape. HAHA. If you travel a lot, then yah, not a bad idea. But for the wheel bags, I'd never have a clear conscience selling one to a kid. unless he really wants to get the shit beaten out of him by the rest of his team and be called a fag.

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well ya i have a stick bag but i dotn use it it just seems to be a pain in the ass to put it back on after every game and practice. With the roller bags i have 1 jsut because my mom takes my equipment sometimes because im hardly ever home and practice is usually right after school adn i dont have time to go home i really dotn like it but i carry it anyway most of the time

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well ya i have a stick bag but i dotn use it it just seems to be a pain in the ass to put it back on after every game and practice. With the roller bags i have 1 jsut because my mom takes my equipment sometimes because im hardly ever home and practice is usually right after school adn i dont have time to go home i really dotn like it but i carry it anyway most of the time

That is one of the most insane run-on sentences I have ever seen! No offense, but you really should try to use proper punctuation. We have members on our board who do not speak English as their first language and there is no reason to make it more difficult for them, or anyone else, to comprehend the content of your posts.

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well ya i have a stick bag but i dotn use it it just seems to be a pain in the ass to put it back on after every game and practice. With the roller bags i have 1 jsut because my mom takes my equipment sometimes because im hardly ever home and practice is usually right after school adn i dont have time to go home i really dotn like it but i carry it anyway most of the time

I know see why schools have keyboarding classes.

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well ya i have a stick bag but i dotn use it it just seems to be a pain in the ass to put it back on after every game and practice. With the roller bags i have 1 jsut because my mom takes my equipment sometimes because im hardly ever home and practice is usually right after school adn i dont have time to go home i really dotn like it but i carry it anyway most of the time

I know see why schools have keyboarding classes.

"Know" I see why English scores are so low in the States.

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I own a stick bag, but it only gets used really if I'm going out of state. Even lately I've just been carrying 3 sticks with me. As for wheel bags, totally understand them for a goalie, but for a skater...not so much. Used to own a backpack bag, but it was due to being on a train a TON made it 100x easier than a bag over my shoulder while walking to/from the station.

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The other reason I would offer is that if you get one with an unusual color, you can keep track of your sticks easier. I have seen lotsa stick stolen - since most have the same colors, its tough to see if someone is walking off with your new synergy. Keeping the sticks in the bag till you use them may add some safety. Believe me - I have seen punks who go to the rink and pretend they are watching when all they are there for is to steal a nice stick.

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I'll use a stick bag for long haul travel, but walking to the rink or from the car to the rink/ house usually not.

I can also see the point of having wheelie bags for goalies as they have a lotta junk in the trunk so to speak, but also they seem great inventions for parents who are only too willing to cart their kid's kit for them.

Those backpacks- For certain situations they are far more suitable for carrying and storing kit, also some of them also seem to have a bigger central pocket volume to put your kit in.

Lastly, have you seen those orange easton stick bags? Are they lighter and more durable than the silver one, or other models for that matter? Hopefully it has kevlar in it somewhere- it just wouldn't be the same without! :D

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Stick bags are a must for anyone with leather seats. While people might not be able to see what's in the bag.... if it is stolen, there goes three sticks.

Two guy on my team have wheelie bags. We make fun of them all the time. Of course, they have the last laugh when we play at the Center because it's a lot of walking around.

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Guest phillyfan

I've been using one ever since I saw a little accident. This clumbsy, 3 inch thick glasses, not so lean goalie was trying to waddle into the rink. He has his two goal sticks in one hand, and is pulling his back with the other. It was during the winter, so it was quite cold. There are double glass doors at the entrance of the rink, and well, he somehow or another managed to break the bottom pane of glass on one of the doors with the butt end of his sticks. I would assume a stick bag would prohibit that to happen, but also for the interior of a car, bus just as much as the white walls in my house. Only negative aspect is when you are at an away rink, walk away for something, sticks walk very easily in stick-bags, and are hard to track down seeing everyone and their mothers has one.

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and are hard to track down seeing everyone and their mothers has one.

I dont know anyone who has a stick bag by there first name. I've seen a handful of kids with them on opposing teams but enough that I'd only need one hand to count them on. My rinks pro shop doesnt even carry them. The only thing I ever worry about is sticks going from really cold to being used really fast (early morning practice, sticks in cold car, don't heat up on the way to rink, i'm late so i get dressed and use them before they even get to the rink's temperature) so I guess a bag might help. I dont really think anyone is gay for using them, but wheelie bags are another story

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Guest phillyfan

Fire:What I meant was that I've seen too many sticks walk in the presence of stick bags at rinks, and usually when a decent percentage of the players have them. That was the only aspect I do not like. As for wheel bags, I don't mind them, but won't bash a player if or if not using one.

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