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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Closest fit to One90

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Need a new pair of skates. Closest local shop is about 4 hours away, so I'm going to roll the dice on ordering some. Can anyone shed some light on what is available that is equivalent/close in fit to the One90?

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Current Supreme skates have continued the general fit characteristics since that model. I would look for clearance One.8s/One.9s/NXGs in your size, or the current 180s/190s

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Current Supreme skates have continued the general fit characteristics since that model. I would look for clearance One.8s/One.9s/NXGs in your size, or the current 180s/190s

Were the One90's shallower than current Supremes?

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Were the One90's shallower than current Supremes?

I'd say one90 is shallower than newer supreme. i have nbh one75 8ee (which supposed to be similar to your one90) and 7.5ee bauer one80.

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Yes, the One90's were much shallower than the current Supreme offerings. I could wear those in a D width as opposed to C or even B in Supremes. Loved the fit of those. When my One90's broke down I went into APX and then VH when I still wasn't happy with the fit.

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The Mako 2 is probably the closest fit/feel in all honesty. The current supreme, particularly those using curv composite will feel nothing like a One90.

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I agree with Cavs; I didn't use the One90, but tried on a teammates and remember them being narrow and fairly shallow. That descriptions also applies to a D width Mako (the Mako is likely more responsive to heat, but starts off as quite narrow before baking and will only expand in the areas your foot pushes it out).

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