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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Are there any methods to get shining again for old helmet?

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Last year, Kovalev retired from NHL. It was famous that he had been continuing to use CCM HT-2 helmet though, his helmet was so shining like new one. Are there any methods to re-shine PP made helmet? Once I've tried using compound for plastics but it couldn't...



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Is that something washing spray include orange peals ingredients?

Fmmm... if so, it's not enough I think because it means that the matter of polished is removing stain. Not real polish like using sand papers or compounds.

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Really...? I've bought it. I'll try it this weekend!

I'd suggest you start with 1 first and see how it comes up, if that does not give you the result you are after try a spot patch with 2 and then 1. Using 3 is for heavy damage and I'm not sure if your helmet is badly scratched or you just want the shine to return. I'd add pledge at the end to give it the final glow.

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I tried 3 methods which were posted on this thread. First 1.2.3 compound. Second heat gun. Third something cleaner which include orange peal's ingredient. Final my answer according to my try and experience is No.2 compound. I felt the best shining effect with using No.2 compound paste and polish it.

Heat gun was certainly good. But I didn't feel well because it made helmet surface little foggy. And also it made some wrinkles by long time heating to clear big scratches. Additionally, it couldn't clear scratches.

Orange peals cleaner is not suitable thing for an issue which I've told here because "cleaner" is really just a cleaner, it can remove stain or dirt but it doesn't remove scratch from surface of helmet.

Finally the 1.2.3 compound definitely worked well. But No.1, its most finest compound was not good. It can't polish the surface, oppositely clouded. So No.2 compound had the best effect in the methods on this thread.

Unfortunately I couldn't polish up after sanded with #800~2000 water proof sand papers even using the compounds. I want to try using buff grinding wheel next week.

Other story though, I bought a new old stock CCM HT2 navy helmet today. It's probably new, but seems there are many slightly scratches. I will clean it up with No.2 compound cream.

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Pledge include something wax ingredient. But I'm finding a thing to remove just a scratches from helmet surface at first. Of course if use pledge, it will be shine. But it means unnecessary of it should be pledge. We can get the same effect from another waxes.

If it was after removed scratches by compound or other methods, yes it's better to use something like pledge, I think. But it can't hide scratches.

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