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Which Bauer stick line plays stiffest to flex?

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I am thinking of dropping down from 87 to 77 flex for a bit of an experiment/change. Which, of the current top of the line, Bauer sticks plays stiffest to flex in the 77 flex? I am sure this has already been answered but I could not find it via a  search. Sorry if it is a redundant post.



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IMO, Supreme. They required quite a bit of lean in to get them to kick well (At least in my experience). Honestly, all of the Bauer sticks play stiffer than rated, which is why I stay away from them. The 77 flex in every stick feels stiffer than a 77.

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11 hours ago, kovalchuk71 said:

IMO, Supreme. They required quite a bit of lean in to get them to kick well (At least in my experience). Honestly, all of the Bauer sticks play stiffer than rated, which is why I stay away from them. The 77 flex in every stick feels stiffer than a 77.

what he said .... but i've heard other people say the vapor as well. i'm guessing it depends on shooting mechanics. 

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I'm in the Vapor camp playing stiffest. Keep in mind though each line has a different kick point too which can definitely factor in. 

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12 hours ago, the_game said:

I'm in the Vapor camp playing stiffest. Keep in mind though each line has a different kick point too which can definitely factor in. 



I think that may be part of the reason that so many people feel the Vapor is the stiffest.  It's the lowest kick, so you're not going to FEEL the flex and kick as much as you do with the other lines.  For my shooting style, Vapor's probably the best, but I love to feel of my Nexus 1000's way too much.

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On ‎6‎/‎12‎/‎2016 at 10:59 PM, Djones said:

I am thinking of dropping down from 87 to 77 flex for a bit of an experiment/change. Which, of the current top of the line, Bauer sticks plays stiffest to flex in the 77 flex? I am sure this has already been answered but I could not find it via a  search. Sorry if it is a redundant post.




If you're dropping in the aforementioned..then, you will feel some difference.  BUT... if you really want to feel a difference, then drop to a 75 INTERMEDIATE flex. That's where you'll find a huge drop in stiffness. Bauer offers the intermediate 75 flex, only a couple of pounds from their senior 77.  The shaft is a bit smaller as well. I find the 75 to be perfect for me, however that's gonna depend on your weight, abilities, and preference. 


...anyway, I find the VAPOR series to be stiffer than the Supreme. No experience with Nexus.

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