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Knee Sleeve/Brace recommendation

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I am looking for a good compression knee sleeve to wear under my shin pads - any recommendations?

I do not need a full on brace - just something light that provides compression and provides a little support .


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I wear them on both knees... I had 1 ACL replaced and the other knee just has never been right (years of hockey, snowboarding and mtn biking when I was younger did a number on them).  Before my ACL was replaced I wore a big custom made CF brace, unfortunately after a number of years of supporting a partially torn ACL it couldn't protect against a side blow which snapped the remaining ligaments.  Now I'm stronger with a new ACL but still wear a brace for support (possibly for psychological reasons).

After trying a number of different brands/styles I found I really like this one by McDavid, it has diagonal cross straps and the 2 horizontal straps, those diagonal ones really make the joint feel secure which I like, but depending on what sort of support you're looking for or what feels good to you it may or may not be good.


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There is a pretty big difference as there are braces that will help prevent injury, braces that will stabilize a weakened joint and braces that offer a bit of support. You should identify your need before purchasing.

To me it sounds like the OP is looking for a basic compression sleeve, no hard plates or hinges. If that's correct, something like the Donjoy Genuforce would do the trick. There are literally tons of those types of braces out there.

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