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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Guest phillyfan

Screename origins....

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My old team was the Lumberjacks and my number was 5. I was too lazy to type the whole thing so - ljack05

It has nothing to do with Monty Python.

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Well... It's a parody of Mazinger (old giant-robot anime), GekigangarIII was the name of the show that a few characters watched within another anime (Nadesico). Kind of an anime within an anime. I've been a fan of cheesy Japanese giant-robot shows since I was like 5... Now aren't you glad you asked? ;)


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Played organized basketball for a number of years and idolized Kobe Bryant. The boy has got some mad skills.

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Guest phillyfan
Played organized basketball for a number of years and idolized Kobe Bryant. The boy has got some mad skills.

Seducing women or playing basketball? :blink:

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bigdogjake was this big native guy who came to my school in grade 7 and sang about how much school sucks and why we should drop out. This was his native nickname thing. When I started cs in grade 8, I couldnt think of a name and the funnyest thing that people would remember was bigdogjake. My names actually nothing close to jake, it's Sam.

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Birth name is Ryan and I wear #04. For those of you that remember, my screename was Synergy_05 (for unknown reasons) back on "the old board" for a good while.

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It's a play on words of the movie "Bulletproof Monk" with Chow Yun Fat. I never saw the movie, it looked kinda cheesy from the commercials, but I liked the title. That, and I come across as a bit "out there" sometimes to some people, so the name seems fitting.

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My roommates in college dubbed me Steveo from day 1, my e-mail is Sudssteveo. I can't remember if that "suds" stands for suds of a beer or slang for Sudbury, which is where i went to college the first time around.

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Name is Denis, nick name is Denz, just added the 3 cause I thought it looked nice.

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My last name is Ambroziak, and everyone shortens it and calls me Ambro. Even one of my teachers calls me it. :lol:

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My roommates in college dubbed me Steveo from day 1, my e-mail is Sudssteveo. I can't remember if that "suds" stands for suds of a beer or slang for Sudbury, which is where i went to college the first time around.

I hear ya on the first time around part! :D

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