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slap shot speed

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I am 22 and just play house league ice hockey. I've only played ice for 1 season now and got elected to our all star game. Anyway I won the slapshot contest with a 78 mph shot. I was just wondering what levels everyone else plays and what speeds they have

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19 about 210 pounds and my slapshot is probably 65ish at the fastest. I play inline and though fast slapshots look nice, I find snapshots and wristers a lot more efficent and going in the goals more.

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I have a heavy shot, but I have ZERO accuracy, so at the point I take a ton of half-slaps and snap shots.

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I have a heavy shot, but I have ZERO accuracy, so at the point I take a ton of half-slaps and snap shots.

I have to take a little off mine to hit close to my target. Full on slapper is only fun for scaring people, usually my teammates.

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I have a heavy shot, but I have ZERO accuracy, so at the point I take a ton of half-slaps and snap shots.

I have to take a little off mine to hit close to my target. Full on slapper is only fun for scaring people, usually my teammates.

hah yeah, that's what the half-slap and the one-footer is for. throw it in for deflections or if I see a corner.

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I have a heavy shot, but I have ZERO accuracy, so at the point I take a ton of half-slaps and snap shots.

I have to take a little off mine to hit close to my target. Full on slapper is only fun for scaring people, usually my teammates.

hah yeah, that's what the half-slap and the one-footer is for. throw it in for deflections or if I see a corner.

From the point I shoot to give my guys a chance at a rebound.

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From the point I shoot to give my guys a chance at a rebound.

yeah, unless I pretty much have half the net to shoot at it's between 4-12" high

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I've only had this checked twice in my life. One time was just at the FanFest thing in Tampa in 1999 during All-Star Weekend. They just gave me a crappy stick and a street hockey ball. I took a shot and the radar said 65. I highly doubt this was right because I was only 10 years old; I don't think a 10-year old kid can shoot a plastic ball 65 mph.

Anyway, two years ago I was at a pro roller hockey game at a nearby rink, and they set up a radar on one of the nets, let some guys borrow extra players' sticks and go on the rink during halftime to see how fast their shots were. My highest was 62 mph. I just started playing ice hockey, so I don't know how much of a difference the puck makes, plus the fact that I wasn't on skates and had no equipment on either time, so I don't really have any accurate knowledge of how fast my shot is now. I'm a lot stronger than I was two years ago and my technique has improved, so I would estimate somewhere between 65-70 now.

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Pretty fast. Somewhere in the very high 60's mid to low 70's. Hardest ever (recorded) was a 76 MPH slapper. I work on mine alot though, and although I can shoot fast, I can't aim it so it's basically useless. I take alot of half slappers like other guys mentioned. Your better off having a slower shot that you can keep low then a bullet you can't control.

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House league/IM scrub. Shot's probably around 65-70 at best.

There's a guy at the open hockeys I go to who has the weirdest half-windup slapshot. Takes it off his wrong foot while curling away. Great velocity and accuracy, though. He also has a skullet, that's probably it.

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"He also has a skullet" Hahah that made me laugh for a minute or so.

Mine's probably in the 60-65 range, I would think. I haven't had it radar'd since hockey camp, or since school skill testing, but there I wasn't exactly "give'n it my all." I think that wrist shots are just all in all a better shot, and that most people worry too much about how hard their slapper is. Although the shot is still important, just read hfboards :ph34r: . I think it varies in between the high 50's, mid 60's, high 60's in games, but my wrister is my favorite.

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JR had me by a few MPH but that was in a bar, using wood sticks that were too short, hollow pucks and a rubber floor. I'd be interested to see if I can can beat those speeds on ice.

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Anyway, two years ago I was at a pro roller hockey game at a nearby rink, and they set up a radar on one of the nets, let some guys borrow extra players' sticks and go on the rink during halftime to see how fast their shots were.  My highest was 62 mph.

Was that at Inman in New Jersey at a Bullets game?....

My son who has been playing MLRH. Piha and XIHL, has an average slap shot for that league and the last time we clocked it it in a competition was 80 mph for 3 consecutive shots. His recorded best was 86 mph at 16 years old, but that was after maybe an hour of practicing, and not in any sort of competition or limited chance situation.....Just a note...when I brought out the radar gun, it was amazing how many sticks were broken within the next 15 minutes of guys trying to shoot way too hard.....

In team practice with one MLRH team we had two guys break 90 mph, a 91, and a 94 mph. Most were in the 75 - 84 mph range. Physical size was somewhat unrelated to the hardest shots(slap shots)...my son shooting at 80 mph was 5'8" and 150 at the time, the guy who shot 94 mph, was 6' and 165 lbs, while the other at 91, was 5'11" and maybe 190...

At the last(2004) PIHA skills competition, the best recorded shot was 84 mph. But like the NHL, the players with the best individual skills in the league, were not neccesarily in the skills competition for the all star selections.

One thing to know is that the radars which use ultrasonic feedback to measure the shots, can be off by quite a bit depending on the humiidity and temperature in the building. Even "white noise" can affect the readings on the ultrasonic radars, or even make the radar device inoperable. A 10% drop in temperature will cause the speed read out to drop as much as 4%. If you can get one, the infrared radars are better.

When I used to bring my radar gun to my team's practices, it was normally 65 - 74 mph for the best shots for the 16U group.

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Hmm I see that a few of your guys are 200 pounds and getting in the 60`s range. Im 13, 5'6 and 120 pounds at school when I did it I got 64 MPH. So I am asuming that the gun at school is wrong or I have a hard slapshot at my age.

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Well as Morrow knows i have a pretty hard shot, i had it clocked at 60 mph when i was 11-12yrs old at an Edmonton Oilers game, my shot since then has vastly improved both speed and accuracy(could use alot more work on accuracy) haha but im me and morrow were estimating mine to be about 86-90 mph (trying to get it clocked sometime soon to get better reading)


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i have an ok release but when i wind up no one on my team well screan the goalie because i cant say i have the accuratest shot but it is in the top 2 for power on my team and i have a tendencey to hit my own teamates i have broken one kids helmet and one of my freinds blade when he tried to tip it.

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I hit 58 with one of those plastic balls and crappy sticks at a Ducks thing called Break the Ice.

Before I could probably rip it around 70 or 80 but being in the slump I'm in right now I'm probably not even breaking 65. (roller hockey, not ice.. in ice I probably shoot 50)

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I'm right around 70, highest ive been clocked at is 73, but you really can never tell how accurate the gun is unless your at an NHL skills competition. I'm a forward that plays the point usually on the power play so I try to keep the shot low and accurate. A 500 mph slapper over the net is useless. :D

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