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Gionta Warrior w10 Curve, something in prostock?

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I know Warrior discontinued the Gionta w10 curve.  I know the p28  is similar but I still prefer the gionta curve over the p28.  Does anyone know if the curve will come back out, available in pro stock or custom?




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Tyler Bozak was/is using it, so you could try his sticks. Are you LH or RH?

A retail option is the TC3 from True. Not exactly the same, but it plays very similar IMO. It has more loft obviously but a much closer playability and blade shape to the W10 compared to a P28.  

Another option is the Malkin pro from Base. I switched between these curves with no trouble at all. The Malkin has slightly less loft and the curve starts slightly earlier (more mid-toe) but the way it plays is very similar to the W10.

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Easton e35 if you can find em...

I was desperate for the Gionta/Sherwood Smith so I placed an order through Sherwood.  Had to order 6 but for me it was money well spent.  The E28/TC3  doesn't work for me.  Need the closed/squarish toe that the above mentioned provides:)

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If you're a righty, schieffele, zaitsev and zidlicky all use a variation of Kovalchuks pro pattern which is essentially what the Gionta curve was. 

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1 hour ago, iceman8310 said:

That doesn't do me any good if I want to go out and buy a stick

Won't be able to go and find it on a pro stock stick either though; One or two NHL's have that curve right handed.

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Maybe Fabbri, Burns, and MacKinnon are close. Can't think of anyone else off the top of my head.

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