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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I'm sorry if this has already been asked but my Si-Core is about to break and I don't really want to go pay 150 bucks on a stick. I'm thinking about getting a wood stick. I loved the feel of my Si-Core and wanted to stick with the wood feel but still have a good shot. What is the best and most durable wood stick? Thanks in advance.

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maybe you should edit the thread title :lol:

But, I was always a fan of bauer 3030s and sherwood 9950s

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Why not cut down the Si-Core shaft and replace it with a Wood TPS R2 blade, an easton all wood blade (when they come out) or one of those easton hybrid blades?

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lately ive been using my sher-wood 7000 and i like it alot. id recomend that stick and if your looking for something a little stiffer the 9950 is nice also

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I'd definately do the cut si-core shaft and wood blade. You might as well salvage the shaft and get a good tapered shaft/wood blade combo. If you're set on a getting an all wood stick though then why not try the most popular stick of all time - Sherwood 5030.

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I liked the old CCM 952 sticks.... the fiberglass stiffener would eventually pull from the stick, but it was a good stick. ALSO, one that weighed a ton, but real stiff was the old brown/black Bauer 3090's.

Both used to have some flimsy peice of rod-iron along the shaft for extra stiffness.

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check the thread about sherwood SOPs, if your looking to buy a bunch of wood sticks, most people that have tried the sops have really liked them

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you ever think about shafts on clearance? like franklin or nike shafts. even a typhoon. weight and performance are roughly the same, and you can change blades, giving you more options.

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It your set on Woods i'd go with the Bauer 3030 or Sherwood 5030. I think the Si-Core Synthergy is the best idea with a wood tapered blade.

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last woodie i used was one of those VIC ones, used it for an end of year tournament then got a synergy to start the next season but it was an ok stick

i tried an easton z-carbon when i jumped from junior to senoir and the blade broke after like one game and a practice

i have heard good things about sherwood but have never used one

i agree about converting the si core into a shaft and getting a wood blade, i put a easton hybrid synthesis on my broken synergy but never really gave it a chance in game play

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I wouldn't say it is the most durable, but the 5030 is the most popular selling stick in this neck of the woods. I'd have to give the Koho Torpedo and the CCM V60 high grades for durability Sherwood makes a very durable wood stick, I think its the ETS and is close to $40. Most aren't willing to pay that much for wood.

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I use the Sherwood 7000 and I've been pretty happy with it. They do give you tons of flexibility with blade pattern/lies, which is nice. My brother uses a Koho and he really likes it, although he is a real stay-at-home defensemen, so that may factor into his holding a big piece of lumber.

I did buy a Nike zero-G the other day which the guy at my LHS said was a fantastic stick and I would love it, but I have yet to try it myself.

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I've used 9950's a lot in the past and they were always great sticks, I don't think I can remember breaking one shaft. This year I tried out the Bauer 6000's and I love those. I'm a big fan of the Stick-um grip they put on those, it peeled after a while but not all of it so it still had a little extra grip to it.

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Bauer 3030 and any Montreal wood. Montreals can take a huge beating.

My biggest complaint with Montreal was the curve selection.

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Bauer 3030 and any Montreal wood. Montreals can take a huge beating.

My biggest complaint with Montreal was the curve selection.

I had the same problem with Sherwood. I like a mid-heel (Modanoish) and I can't find a SW with that pattern.

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Bauer 3030 and any Montreal wood. Montreals can take a huge beating.

My biggest complaint with Montreal was the curve selection.

I had the same problem with Sherwood. I like a mid-heel (Modanoish) and I can't find a SW with that pattern.

Try finding a small heel with a low lie from anyone.

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Sher-Woods old Borque pattern (from the white/gold 7000's) was exactly that, basically the best pattern ever IMO. 4.5 lie with a nice small heel. I just bought some 7000 SOPs with that pattern but with some loft added to it, and they are amazing; only problem is getting used to the thickness of the blade, its a pain in the but using a thick blade.

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check the thread about sherwood SOPs, if your looking to buy a bunch of wood sticks, most people that have tried the sops have really liked them

how much are they.

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