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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Will this bake out?

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I just order a pair of Nexus N7000 in 10.5D for a family member since he wants to get into hockey. The length, heel lock and the width in most of the skate is good for him but he feels pain and tightness in the area of the skates that I drew in red. He tried my same N7000 skates on in a 12EE and he said they were too wide. Will this area bake out or break in or should I look at getting him perhaps a Supreme in a 10.5EE?


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If it’s in the toe cap like you’ve pictured, no.

Honestly, he should be trying these things on before buying.


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Well, that a luxury that people in the Deep South don't have. We have literally two places in the entire state that sell hockey equipment and 90% of their inventory is either for kids/juniors or figure skaters so we can't just run down to the local Pure Hockey and try a bunch of skates on...

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IceWarehouse has a free skate return program. 

Beats eating 50%+ of your cost buying something that doesn’t fit. 

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8 minutes ago, Cavs019 said:

IceWarehouse has a free skate return program. 

Beats eating 50%+ of your cost buying something that doesn’t fit. 

I belong to that, they didn't have his size.

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1 minute ago, dkmiller3356 said:

you can get a boot stretched - and even in a toe cap.  Before everyone says it can't be done - I have done it.

I'm going to get mine done in a couple weeks since I have to ship them to another state to do it. I hope they can since I need the to cap stretched.

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Can you elaborate a little more on what the tightness is like. Is it like a vice or is it mild discomfort or simply rubbing?

I always have issues with the same area. I'm in Nexus Ds and I  find Supreme EEs fit about the same in terms of width in that area.

Sometimes all you have to do is wear thinner socks. Other times leave that bottom eyelet a little loose or try starting the laces from the second eyelet, leaving the bottom ones unused. Other times still putting a little padding on the pinky toe area can help.

my 2 cents. 

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There are a lot of things to consider. How tight is too tight, how wide is too wide. How often will he be skating.

Things like length and heel lock are important. If you have those two things a little extra width at the toes isn’t such a big deal. Especially for a beginner who’s going to be sore developing his/skating muscles. 

Personally, I’d try a 10.5EE Nexus next. The heel might not work but at least it gives an idea of where he stands in terms of fit. Maybe a Tacks after that, should be wider that the front.

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4 hours ago, stick9 said:

There are a lot of things to consider. How tight is too tight, how wide is too wide. How often will he be skating.

Things like length and heel lock are important. If you have those two things a little extra width at the toes isn’t such a big deal. Especially for a beginner who’s going to be sore developing his/skating muscles. 

Personally, I’d try a 10.5EE Nexus next. The heel might not work but at least it gives an idea of where he stands in terms of fit. Maybe a Tacks after that, should be wider that the front.

Should we try a Tacks in 10.5 EE and not D?

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1 minute ago, CigarScott said:

Should we try a Tacks in 10.5 EE and not D?

yeah, EE in the Tacks. Make sure the length is common between the two.

Still try the EE Nexus first. If that’s way too wide give the EE Tacks a shot, maybe the 9080.

If all else fails you made need to find a happy medium. 

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If his heel lock, volume and length are all ok then I'd be going for a stretch in that area. It's a simple enough job for someone who has the right tools. If you send them away make sure you measure his width across the forefoot, add the thickness of the skate walls and that gives you the width you want the skates stretched too across the area you need them stretched. This gives the shop measurements to work to.

But you may find the Tacks work ok also.

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