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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Girdle Shell Compatibility

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I just dove in and got my first girdle/shell combo (Bauer S190). I'm wondering if anything other than Bauer shells will work on this. Obviously any pant shell will work since they're pretty generic. But what can I reasonably expect to work with this thing? 

I assume anything labeled as "lowers" isn't going to work because those are more two-piece pants than actual girdle shells. But what about something like a Warrior Dynasty Girdle Shell, like what ProStockHockey has a ton of? Will those work?

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I find that lowers from a 2-pc pant shell works (and looks) best. Going down one size from the girdle size.  Most aftermarket girdle shells give it a potato sack look. 

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Okay thanks guys. So best option is probably just to try it and see how I like it. Mostly just trying to avoid a compatibility issue more than anything but if it’s all fairly universal then I’m okay.

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Others have lots more experience, but they seem pretty generic to me.  I've used Bauer Supreme 190 and Total One shells with my CCM 7092 Girdle without issues as well as some old sherwood lowers from a 2 piece pant with the thigh boards removed.  The Summerjam shell also worked fine.  I don't ever attach the shell to the girdle, I just use the belt on the shell to keep it in place.

The shells I like best are the Bauer Supreme ones, FWIW.  Velcro closer beats laces, and there's a snap buckle style belt to keep it in place once I pull it up over the girdle pads.  And that's probably another important note... I do the wrap thing with the girdle, then pull the pant shell up over it ever time.  If you're looking to leave your shell attached to the girdle and put it on like normal pants, maybe compatibility matters more.


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Retail Warrior Dynasty girdle shells work with the Bauer girdle. NXG and MX3 shells work with Dynasty girdle so the attachment points are in the same places on both.

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All shells work with all girdles just find the right size that you like (every shell model has a slightly different fit and some people like them larger or smaller), just remember some shells are made to go over pants (like the Nexus ones) and some specifically for girdles so the sizing and shape is a bit different.  Newer girdles (past 10+ years?) have some attachment points where a shell would velcro to the girdle, this seems pointless to me as every shell I've ever had going back to the late 90's has had a belt that cinches around the waist which makes it simple and quick to put on.

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The difference between a well fitting shell and a poorly shaped/fitted shell is night and day.

To JR's point, almost any will fit but the potato sack effect is real, and it sucks. Regardless of Brand/Label, ideally you want to be able to try them on over the girdle. When you find the one that's just right, you'll know it. 

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Newer Warrior and Bauer shells have some structure to them thanks to the light padding so they don’t have that potato sack effect.

Tacks shells seem to look good too, at least with the CCM girdle.

Also, Bauer girdle shell sizing is off. They fit one size smaller than others. Medium Warrior and CCM shells fit me perfectly but Bauer has to be large.

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