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Any use Referee Elbow Pads?

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So I'm considering retiring my Koho Elbow pads after over 25 years. These are old school soft cap elbow pads, I love the mobility they provide you. I've tried modern elbow pads a couple times and can't stand them. 

I was at my LHS today eyeing up a pair of Winn-wells, they are a close as I've found to my precious Koho's. 


But something else caught my eye, a pair of referee elbow pads from Bauer. I tried them on them seem protective enough. If I survived minor hockey with body checking with my soft cap Koho's I figure they are good enough for rec hockey where there is no body checking. They certainly provide as good if not better mobility. Doesn't seem to be much trade-off in protection if any.


Has anyone else used these for rec hockey? If so, what are your opinions on them. 

Your comments and feedback is greatly appreciated. 

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I've used skateboard pads elbow before when I wanted a low profile pad for reffing. It's not the elbow protection that is the issue, it's whether or not you think you are lucky enough to not get slashed between the top of the glove and the bottom of the pad by some weekend warrior who has no control of their stick......

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4 hours ago, Vet88 said:

I've used skateboard pads elbow before when I wanted a low profile pad for reffing. It's not the elbow protection that is the issue, it's whether or not you think you are lucky enough to not get slashed between the top of the glove and the bottom of the pad by some weekend warrior who has no control of their stick......

I'd be more concerned about the guy who knows exactly what he he's doing...

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So just a quick follow-up, I went to Sportchek and picked up a pair of the Bauer ref pads. They fit well, and at the store felt comfortable.

As one poster mentioned the concern with slashes, even though the old Koho's I wear now don't do much to protect against slashing, these ref pads were even less protective, as they were completely open in the forearm area where you get most slashes.

Anyways I brought them home and tried them on with my shoulder pads and gloves on. They didn't interfere with my shoulder pads, but because these ref elbow pads serve a different purpose than a traditional hockey elbow pad, they are longer in the lower arm and actually interfered with my gloves (and I don't have a massive cuff on my gloves either).

 I brought them back to Sportchek immediately for a full refund. So much for that idea, seemed good in theory but in reality it wouldn't work for me I don't believe. 

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I used to wear soft cap elbow pads. I got slew footed and landed directly on my elbow. It hurt for weeks, and was uncomfortably sensitive when I bumped it. I made the decision then to always wear hard cap elbows. 

I dont know if it was intentional, but accidents will happen. I don’t worry about getting slashed on the wrists, I worry about the spills a few times a year where i land hard on my elbows. 

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I used to wear lacrosse elbow pads pretty much from the time I started playing, through college and up until a few years ago.  For the same reasons as @start_today said I switched to CCM Quick Lites and never looked back.  Took a spill landed directly on my elbow and it hurt for a few weeks.  I really like the mobility of the 3 piece elbow.  @BruinDust look into some 3 piece elbow pads.

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