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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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pro return = pro stock?

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that i can't help you with. I'm not familiar with Inno sticks, as they're not readily available here. I'm sure plenty of others on here will be able to tell you if thats a good deal though

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Yes. Pro stock, pro returns and pro overruns are all the same thing.

Except for Nike and a few others calling some retail products "pro stock"

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Yes.  Pro stock, pro returns and pro overruns are all the same thing.

Except for Nike and a few others calling some retail products "pro stock"

Yeah, I've seen some junior skates calld pro stock. :angry:

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So a pro return Inno 1100 OPS would be a good deal for $99 cdn

Where have you found this? Is it on Ebay?

because sometimes they wrote it's a pro return Kovalev(example) and it's the retail curve.

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So a pro return Inno 1100 OPS would be a good deal for $99 cdn

Where have you found this? Is it on Ebay?

because sometimes they wrote it's a pro return Kovalev(example) and it's the retail curve.

Seems to me that I read somewhere that Inno doesn't do the retail/pro curve bait and switch like, for instance, Easton does. In other words, the Kariya curve is (was?) actually Kariya's curve. Same thing with the Nash, etc.

Someone correct me if they know better, but the Mogilny curve is likely what Mogilny actually used to use (bear in mind, that curve's been out for a while, it's quite possible Mogilny may have modified his pattern since - as players tend to do).

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So a pro return Inno 1100 OPS would be a good deal for $99 cdn

Where have you found this? Is it on Ebay?

because sometimes they wrote it's a pro return Kovalev(example) and it's the retail curve.

Seems to me that I read somewhere that Inno doesn't do the retail/pro curve bait and switch like, for instance, Easton does. In other words, the Kariya curve is (was?) actually Kariya's curve. Same thing with the Nash, etc.

Someone correct me if they know better, but the Mogilny curve is likely what Mogilny actually used to use (bear in mind, that curve's been out for a while, it's quite possible Mogilny may have modified his pattern since - as players tend to do).

The Inno retail curves are not the same as the pro curves. The Hull and Fedorov curves prove that.

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Ive read some where that the sticks sold in stores and on-line retailers are the rejected sticks from teams because they had something wrong with them. The sticks get sent back to the maker and then the stores buy them cause they are cheaper than normal retail sticks. At least thats what i have heard.


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Ive read some where that the sticks sold in stores and on-line retailers are the rejected sticks from teams because they had something wrong with them.

Usually, the only thing "wrong" with them is that the player didn't like them. Maybe too flexible or too stiff, or the curve wasn't right. Pro return doesn't mean defective in any way...

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I don't think pro return always mean pro stock because when they were selling Kovalev Pro return True One on 1800faceoff, it was the retail Kovalev curve that was coming with the stick.

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