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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Weird XXX's

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Why is that weird? A lot of people switch holders on skates. I always put on lightspeeds. I heard these are pro stock skates, and the pro I guess prefers tuuks over lightspeeds. theres nothing weird about it at all.

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Yeah the post that was in the Sell forum, someone said that they were prostock, something about the eyelids or something else being different

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Yeah the post that was in the Sell forum, someone said that they were prostock, something about the eyelids or something else being different

Double stiched.

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I just really wondered why someone would ever go from a really good holder and runner to an average holder and runner

Depends who you ask, I know people that will put custom+s on anything and everything.

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custom+ aren't an "average" holder. as far as many people are concerned, they're still the best holder, simply because they prefer them. it's really different from lightspeeds in terms of feel and pitch, and pros tend to stick with what they're used to, so if they grow up on custom+, they'd want to keep using it because it works for them

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custom+ aren't an "average" holder. as far as many people are concerned, they're still the best holder, simply because they prefer them. it's really different from lightspeeds in terms of feel and pitch, and pros tend to stick with what they're used to, so if they grow up on custom+, they'd want to keep using it because it works for them

If the Pitch's weren't so good, I'd still be using the custom+'s

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custom+ aren't an "average" holder.  as far as many people are concerned, they're still the best holder, simply because they prefer them. it's really different from lightspeeds in terms of feel and pitch, and pros tend to stick with what they're used to, so if they grow up on custom+, they'd want to keep using it because it works for them

If the Pitch's weren't so good, I'd still be using the custom+'s

Is this Pitch Holder really SO good ?

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apparently, it feels like custom+ with the pitch feature. it's probably a lot more convenient to change the steel too

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Nothing weird about changing the holders, and Tuuks are pretty popular.

But I'm not so sure they are pro stocks, look at this pic and you'll see a little detail that's different. But maybe they stopped doing that now?


Thats what I thought when I seen the skates to, because usually on the heel it will say pro stock. Anyone know for sure if they still do that, or if they only do that for certain players.

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Hell, look at the guys that have the newest skates with every modern technology, and ICM holders.

That's me! 8090 w/ICM.

I'm not a fan of the Lightspeed. I like the more-forward pitch, I need that, but I don't trust the steel yet and I hate the screw system. The new LS2 should be better though...

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Those are definitely not the retail version. The double stitching and the placement of the red tab on the tongue are very different from mine.

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(retail XXX's) From what I have seen they range from $425-$500 USD. However you may be able to get them cheaper on ebay.

From what I read from a review on epinions-they are the pro stock version of the XX (20). Don't know if that is true or not. JR might be the man to talk to about that.

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There retail skates. Any skate can be pro stock, its just what the player prefers. its prostock over the vapor xx makes no sense to me.

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Nothing weird about changing the holders, and Tuuks are pretty popular.

But I'm not so sure they are pro stocks, look at this pic and you'll see a little detail that's different. But maybe they stopped doing that now?


Thats what I thought when I seen the skates to, because usually on the heel it will say pro stock. Anyone know for sure if they still do that, or if they only do that for certain players.

The XXXs at a shop around here say mono structure or something like that on the heel not pro stock.

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