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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Anyone know whos jersey this is?

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I can't do it for $99 a jersey.

What about ordering just the jersey and leaving the customizing up to everyone individually?

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Those kind of jersey look sorta crappy if you don't get the numbers sublimated on, a team I used to play in a house league did that, just ordered a ton so they could just give the new ones to new guys and they could get them numbered themselves. It doesn't look horrible, but it doesn't look "right"

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Go to the mission website then rollerhockey then team mission then click on Justin Hoffman (I think its the same one on MSH)... anyways I say you get that color scheme, it looks a lot better. I'd be in for one if you get the one Justin is wearing...or the jersey Kirk French is wearing.

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Go to the mission website then rollerhockey then team mission then click on Justin Hoffman (I think its the same one on MSH)... anyways I say you get that color scheme, it looks a lot better. I'd be in for one if you get the one Justin is wearing...or the jersey Kirk French is wearing.

I don't like the one Justin is wearing, the black tuxedo is way better IMO.

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I can't do it for $99 a jersey.

What about ordering just the jersey and leaving the customizing up to everyone individually?

Since they're "custom" and need to be specially printed, it's $99/jersey regardless of what is or is not on them.

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Go to the mission website then rollerhockey then team mission then click on Justin Hoffman (I think its the same one on MSH)... anyways I say you get that color scheme, it looks a lot better. I'd be in for one if you get the one Justin is wearing...or the jersey Kirk French is wearing.

To use the Mission jerseys, you'd have to convince Mission to allow the use of their artwork.

I believe that any design could be "custom" printed for $99, provided that such design is done on Projoy's template. A different tuxedo would require considerable artwork.

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Any word on this order. Is it dead like the NHL or is it ON??


We're trying to put together enough people, although it's probably unlikely to happen. Are you in, and for how many?

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I'd so be in on this!

XL, no#10......I normally wear a lge size whitebear/CCM. Is that the equivilent for the ProJoy sizing?

$100 is fine for me......as long as I can get my specs (as above) Im all for one.

any details come up feel free who ever organises to email or PM me..... ntrusewicz@hotmail.com


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