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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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slap shot

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i have a pretty decent slap shot at times, but sometimes i get line drives. Ive noticed the heel of my balde always wears out the fastest and a times a relatively new blade just explodes at the heel. Am i doin somethin wrong and does these indicate my form for slap shots is off?

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Lie could be wrong or you could be burying it into the ice too much. Hard to say without seeing.

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I had the same problem, I was blowing out the heels on my Easton Yzermans. So I switched to a the lower lie Modano. Takes some getting used to, but not bad. What curve are you using now?

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Just some info for you on the curves in case you didn't know....

I've found that some good slapshot curves are: Lidstrom (Easton), LaCavalier (CCM), Pronger (Reebok), Stuart (CCM) and P91 (Bauer).

All of these are longer blades than the Modano or Yzerman and give you a much bigger sweet spot for your slapper.

I personally use the LaCavalier pattern on my Vector 110 & 130.

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i don't know if you can say that these "good slapshot curves" will work for everyone, because everyone has different technique, and more likely a lie that's best suited to you is a lot more important than the size of the blade

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I had the same problem, I was blowing out the heels on my Easton Yzermans. So I switched to a the lower lie Modano. Takes some getting used to, but not bad. What curve are you using now?

Pretty hard to do a slap shot with a curve like the Yzerman.

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I had the same problem, I was blowing out the heels on my Easton Yzermans. So I switched to a the lower lie Modano. Takes some getting used to, but not bad. What curve are you using now?

Pretty hard to do a slap shot with a curve like the Yzerman.

Yzerman doesn't have a problem *L*.

TSN replayed the Igor Larionov tribute game in Russia tonight. Stevie let a shot go (when he was playing for Team Ruusia...he was "traded" for The Prof. between periods) that blew right by Osgood.

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I used it for a few seasons. Slappers took alittle getting used to with it. I still use the Yzerman for outdoors since its the only curve that comes on the Z-ABS.

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Most people find it easier to stickhandle with the Yzerman because its such a big curve.

as long as you don't use the backhand much.

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It's weird but I'm actually quite the opposite. I couldn't stick handle with the yzerman/brendl type curves but the modano/drury curves were much easier.

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everyone's different - i love the drury curve and play well in warmups...but im just not very good with it in games. im just not a big heel guy. i can use small heels (modano), and im good with big mids and toes. i dont like the yzerman cause i dont play with 6 lies all that well either. if it had a rounder toe and came with a lower lie - i could use it a lot easier. i like a little rocker as well. i read a post that said the yzerman was changing (maybe in the easton catalog thread?). anyone know? i believe that person said it was to be the gaborik, and it was a little different. i havent heard anything other than that mention - dont know if its true.

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everyone's different - i love the drury curve and play well in warmups...but im just not very good with it in games. im just not a big heel guy. i can use small heels (modano), and im good with big mids and toes. i dont like the yzerman cause i dont play with 6 lies all that well either. if it had a rounder toe and came with a lower lie - i could use it a lot easier. i like a little rocker as well. i read a post that said the yzerman was changing (maybe in the easton catalog thread?). anyone know? i believe that person said it was to be the gaborik, and it was a little different. i havent heard anything other than that mention - dont know if its true.

Gabby is an Yzerman with a lower lie from what I remember. Also check out the TPS Brandl/Sundin. Pretty much the same curve and a 5 lie.

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