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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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breaking stick

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only broke a shaft once, and it was on a slapper. broke about 5 inches up from the blade. rest of the time my blades usually just break down over time. they'll start to chip, crack, etc and just finally give up on me, although the occasional blade has broken on faceoffs and slashes.

Anyone else get pissed when they see ppl breaking sticks in anger?? All the younger kids by me always do it, they think they're tough-guys. They'll break their $200 stick over the dumbest crap tryin to look tough.

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I wear out the blades before I have a chance to break them fully. They go soft and I stop using them.

Likewise, especially during my Si-Core phase. Those things would go to mush in 2 weeks.

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most of the time, the blades go long before the shaft does for me. That's why I switched to tapered shafts from OPS. The only shafts I ever broke were an old Walker gold grip Synergy and my Hespeler Nemesis Alphas (both on guys ending up on top of my stick).

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Wooden blade hosel snaps, just below the attachment point (2-piece T-Flex), when I take too much ice on slap shots. I guess that there is a lot of stress at the attachment point, and that is also where the blade thins down to fit into the shaft.

The hosels get a lot of nicks on them from faceoffs, but never seem to break at these nicks.

Or, the blades splinter away from being jammed against the boards or into skate blades.

Anybody have any design ideas for making the blades more durable while keeping the weight down and the feel OK?

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mine usually go soft before they break but alot of the time they do crack. I have broken a couple of shafts the seems popped around where the blade was and one of the sticks broke over the cross bar.

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i broke 2 synergy's right in the middle.one i broke slashing a guy and the other i broke in a practise on a slapper. the 2 wood sherwood 9950 right above where the blade connects the shaft. those were both broke on slappers.

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I've broken 1 synergy grip over the wall this year, one over the boards. Mostly I just break/wear out synthesis blades and get new ones, otherwise I am not really that strong so I don't break too many shafts on OPS, just normal shafts.

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I wear out the blades before I have a chance to break them fully. They go soft and I stop using them.

absolutely. Have only broke one shaft in 15 years (vapor xx). It's always a crack in the blade with me.

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i blew out the blade in a couple woodies (the bottom half of the blade breaks off fromt he top half of the blade, really weird) taking slapshots, broke an alpha nemesis, just below the fusepoint, from a weird onetimer

also, the occasional freak run-in with the net

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I wear out the blades before I have a chance to break them fully.  They go soft and I stop using them.

Likewise, especially during my Si-Core phase. Those things would go to mush in 2 weeks.

The old synergys and the synthesis blades wear out way to quick

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PLUS... (and this may have already been mentioned - haven't scanned the whole thread), don't forget - sometimes sticks just fatigue. This takes a lot longer with composite sticks, but with woodies, even if you don't break them, after a while, they're so "spent" they're unusable for people who are hard on their sticks.

With woodies, the biggest problem (for me) is what happened to the blade after the clearcoat "skin" has been broken. No matter how often you tape, moisture will get in there, and then it'll bloat up bigger than Oprah after Thanksgiving Dinner (Christian sticks, with their woven "slap sock" were the worst at this). Once water starts getting into the wood, it's days are numbered.

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Hosels for the most part, but then general wear & tear will get to them as well. Last shaft I broke was over someone's ankle, so I've had good luck with those.

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Also, running a truck over an OPS that is still under warranty was a very popular way of breaking a stick a while back... :ph34r:

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