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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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whats more important

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I can't believe no one jumped on this one!

My wife says "length" is most important, then followed by "stiffness". :-)

That's because we're trying to maintain our PG-13 rating. ;)

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flex-if you cant flex a stick you wont have much of a shot

curve-you need somthing that fits your shooting style

Slapshot: maybe you wll not a good one.

Wrister: Why not?

and nirmally, during a game, you don't do 100 slapshots.

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I can't believe no one jumped on this one!

My wife says "length" is most important, then followed by "stiffness". :-)

That's because we're trying to maintain our PG-13 rating. ;)

oops, I forgot to say, my wife works in a hockey shop..... :-) She's pretty good at selecting sticks, and usually bases it on curve. I totally agree. As a goalie, I will say that with todays butterfly style, if you can't roof it quick, you won't get many shots by the goalie. I rarely let in a shot I can see, and hardly ever a slap shot. I'm not saying I'm some kind of great goalie, rather slaps are just easy to stop. As compared to a wicked rising wrist shot. Tip in's are next. So, I would recommend a stick with a bigger curve and some loft, and of proper lie for you. Being able to receive and give passes is next important, and curve is important there too.

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1. Lie-how can you catch a pass or even shoot if you have only a cornor of your stick on the ice?

2. Length-The right length gives you complete control over the stick

3. Weight-too heavy of a stick you wont be able to get shots/passes off fast enough

4. Flex- if you cant flex a stick you wont have much of a shot

5. Curve- I can personaly adjust to any curve within reason

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1. balance - probably the most important to me. A properly distributed stick feels much lighter than an unevenly distributed "lightweight" model.

2. handle shape - I tend to like more rounded corners rather than a traditional box shape, makes controlling the stick while rolling the top wrist much easier.

3. lie - need to have the blade on the ice!!

4. pattern - I don't like a big curve, slight heel or mid is more than enough for me

5. length - I can't shoot if the stick is too short, actually I find it hard to do anything with a stick that's too short or too long

actually all of these are the same importance. Without all of them just right the stick isn't going to work for you one way or another. For me, any one of these (aside from length which you can alter) is a deal breaker.

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3 Pages deep with many knowledge users responsing yet not 1 actual mention of Balance.

Chadd was close with a comment about feel.

Proper balance can make a stick perfect, it doesn't have to be perfect for me to be able to use the stick. My comments were based on simply being able to use a stick, not what makes it perfect to me.

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