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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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new nike site

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The clip of Iggy skating around is at my old University, the U of Alberta Golden Bears den. Its a really cool old school nostalgic type of rink, like the old habs barn full of ghosts. There are so many banners in there, up and down both sides, going back to the 20's. Really cool arena but surprisingly bad ice and weird corners.

That program dominates CIS hockey, too bad they choke every


Oh and building a website with a horror flick rip off feel??? Come on now.

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Well thats Nike for you. As long as it looks good, its fine with them. Nike does make some seriously good looking stuff and some of it is really nice, but it almost seems like thats their #1 priority on things. Not just with hockey either. They either want to make a "new 'cool looking' innovation" or just make it look plain old flashy and/or good. Who cares if it works or if it breaks down in a few days, it looks good! Right??

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Bummed nike will stop making sticks.

Dude!.....Unless my memory serves me wrong Innovative was making all of Nike's sticks......go buy an Inno....you won't look back seriously!

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Is their site supposed to scare you into buying their product? What f'ing kind of sight gives you stupid circle symbols and makes you guess what they link to?

And I thought Easton's marketing team was bad . . .

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Thats a pretty terrible site. Definalty the worst out there.

Easton has amazing marketing, what are you talking about? They can convince parents to buy their 5 yo kids SyNergys; thats amazing marketing.

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