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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How Many Sticks Do You Have?

How Many Sticks Do You Own?  

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What's the Lang compared to other pro or retail patterns? All I got for a desciption was "heel" and that wasn't enough. Thank you.

As for my list, I'm going with Inno 180s with soft grip and pro Kovalchuk Bauers. Yes, I've gone to the banana.

YP/RPish, in that range. I'd say its more towards the YP than the RP. How long have you been using the Kovalchuk pro for?

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This time around I've been using it on/off since November but I've been using it solid for about a month or so.

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This time around I've been using it on/off since November but I've been using it solid for about a month or so.

mack, did your slapshots go head-hunting when you first began using it?

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Not so much, because I use huge wedges and this was just more of a hook. I did have troubles with shanking them but have since curbed that. Backhands though? Yeah, those were definitely the first things to be cut out of my repertoire.

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i have 2 sticks devoted to Ice (vapor XX and Synergy Grip) 2 sticks for roller (VaporXX again, and a Sande which is not to good). also i have 1 cyclone for street hockey becuz i get free blades from my fathers friend who owns a proshop. you would be amazed at the good condition of blades people discard, totalling about 20 blades in assorted curves. also i have close to 60 sticks and shafts because 4 people in my family play. and my dad used to shoot 114.3mph (top speed measured by a gun, I SWEAR BY IT and SO DOES HE) and he breaks sticks all the time Still (he can hit em about 90 now)

Umm..... you know what shot won the last NHL skills competition was somewhere in the neighborhood of 102..... the record for fastest CLOCKED shot for a pro is around 106 (by Shawn Heins in 1999)....

So, I'm sorta guessing that either the gun needed calibration, you have your facts mixed up, or your father (aka, Clark Kent) had one helluva tail wind working for him......


i have personally seen Al McInnis shoot 106. My dad was not in the pros but played for Wisconsin badgers before gettin his shoulder replaced. Rick Zombo told my father once that he would have mad it. My dad used to beat up on Tony Granato and Chelios, back when he played for the Chicago Saints (disbanded in the early 80's). and i know the gun needed no calibration.....think what u want but whatever

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I believe Modin was 108 in the team competition one year, not at the all star game though.

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I think modin did hit 108 or so the year before he won it, he was in the competition the year he won it because it was his home rink. Dude has a rocket

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I seem to recall Modin getting a pretty high number at one of those team competitions (Fedex challenge, or whatever - right?).

I think the last one they did of those was when Tevor Kidd complained about tearing his shoulder in the competition when he was with the Panthers.

Don't recall the number, though.

think what u want but whatever

Hey, just pointing out the realities. Seems to me if such an event occured, it would have been big news considering it sounds like it happened back in the 80's and would have easily beat the records set now by athletes that are supposedly in better shape with all sorts of technological advancements (such as fancy composite sticks and what not).

HOWEVER, all that being said? I seem to recall that Bobby Hull legend has him at hitting 118mph (but that it was calculated). Perhaps the extra speed (if true) might have something to do with being able to curve the blade to whatever curvature you'd want. Could a 3 inch banana curve equate to harder shots somehow? Maybe the blade cradling the puck causing it to go faster? Not sure...

HOWEVER, it still stands as a HHOF record - worlds fastest clocked pro slapper at 106 by Hiens.

I wonder if Guiness has anything on this?

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umm boys those are all stars shooting, i bet there are guys in the league with much harder shots, just arent all stars

I preferred it when the best "regular NHL guys" who won the team competitions went to the all-star game. I'd even bet that most of the all-stars don't pull off their best shots in the competition.

That said, unless it's measured accurately it's only guesswork.

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I believe Modin was 108 in the team competition one year, not at the all star game though.

He was in the 102-105 range when he was in Toronto. I'd really like to see the All-star skills competition come with the best in each field, and not just the all-stars.

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umm boys those are all stars shooting, i bet there are guys in the league with much harder shots, just arent all stars

I preferred it when the best "regular NHL guys" who won the team competitions went to the all-star game. I'd even bet that most of the all-stars don't pull off their best shots in the competition.

That said, unless it's measured accurately it's only guesswork.

It was good and bad when they sent the regular Joe's to the skills competition. It was good to see the actual winners from each team but at the same time don't you want to see how the top players measure up against each other.

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umm boys those are all stars shooting, i bet there are guys in the league with much harder shots, just arent all stars

I preferred it when the best "regular NHL guys" who won the team competitions went to the all-star game. I'd even bet that most of the all-stars don't pull off their best shots in the competition.

That said, unless it's measured accurately it's only guesswork.

It was good and bad when they sent the regular Joe's to the skills competition. It was good to see the actual winners from each team but at the same time don't you want to see how the top players measure up against each other.

Most of the time, the top dogs don't care. Hell, the older guys only do the bare minimum like pass the puck on the accuracy competition and maybe the breakaway relay. At least in the old format some guys competed.

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Exactly, I'd rather watch a guy like say Pierre-Marc Bouchard doing the puck relay than Bobby Lang half-ass it.

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That's the thing, I'd think it would create a more competitive atmosphere. I don't think the guys in the all-star game would really care because having a hard shot, good speed, good deke don't necessarily make you a good player.

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One of the last guys that tried hard in anything you put him in was gartner, but he was also one of the last guys who knew it was a privledge and not a right to be playing pro hockey.

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umm boys those are all stars shooting, i bet there are guys in the league with much harder shots, just arent all stars

I preferred it when the best "regular NHL guys" who won the team competitions went to the all-star game. I'd even bet that most of the all-stars don't pull off their best shots in the competition.

That said, unless it's measured accurately it's only guesswork.

It was good and bad when they sent the regular Joe's to the skills competition. It was good to see the actual winners from each team but at the same time don't you want to see how the top players measure up against each other.

Most of the time, the top dogs don't care. Hell, the older guys only do the bare minimum like pass the puck on the accuracy competition and maybe the breakaway relay. At least in the old format some guys competed.

Did you ever think that it's because they are giving the young guys a chance to shine? Not to mention, everybody loses a step as they get older so it seems natural that it would be younger guys participating in the rounds that rely on speed and quickness.

And no bringing up Mike Gartner. Besides, he kept competing.

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Did you ever think that it's because they are giving the young guys a chance to shine? Not to mention, everybody loses a step as they get older so it seems natural that it would be younger guys participating in the rounds that rely on speed and quickness.

And no bringing up Mike Gartner. Besides, he kept competing.

That's not what they usually say, so I don't think that's why they bag most of the events.

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The tide seemed to change after Jagr hurt his groin a few years back, 2000 or 2001. It's safe to say he hasn't been the same player since, that's gotta be in the back of a few guys' heads.

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Did you ever think that it's because they are giving the young guys a chance to shine?  Not to mention, everybody loses a step as they get older so it seems natural that it would be younger guys participating in the rounds that rely on speed and quickness.

And no bringing up Mike Gartner.  Besides, he kept competing.

That's not what they usually say, so I don't think that's why they bag most of the events.

You do realize that most of the comments from those guys tend to be self effacing when they jokingly answer that they were just trying not to hurt themselves or that they're too lazy or tired.

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Did you ever think that it's because they are giving the young guys a chance to shine?  Not to mention, everybody loses a step as they get older so it seems natural that it would be younger guys participating in the rounds that rely on speed and quickness.

And no bringing up Mike Gartner.  Besides, he kept competing.

That's not what they usually say, so I don't think that's why they bag most of the events.

You do realize that most of the comments from those guys tend to be self effacing when they jokingly answer that they were just trying not to hurt themselves or that they're too lazy or tired.

Those aren't the comments I'm referring to. It's obvious they don't want to do it and some of the younger guys get pushed into doing things they don't want to do either.

Heaven forbid they end up promoting more players.

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Lately I've noticed first time all stars tend to get pushed into the fastest skater a lot. If I was 30something I'm thinking that's the event I'd least like to do.

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