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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How Many Sticks Do You Have?

How Many Sticks Do You Own?  

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1)Synergy si-core with a synthesis blade

2)Z-bubble grip with a vector blade

3)nike quest 1 and 2 with one with an easton utra lite and the other with an ultra graphite

3)Synergy grip with a synthesis hybtid blade

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Bringing this up from the dead.I fiquere its a year later and people are bound to have different sticks.

All Pro Stock OPS

-2x TPS Response XN10 Khavanov

-2x TPS Response XN10 Pahlsson

-CCM Vector V110 J.Stals

-RBK 6k w/ Kovalchuk Banana

-Easton Synergy 04 Darby

-Easton Synergy 01 Hal Gill

-3x Montreal Nitro 8500

-Sher-Wood SOP 9950


-RBK 6K w/ Synergy II Forsberg

-RBK 4k w/ CCM Pro Return Banana

-02 Synergy Grip Pro Stock w/ CCM Pro Return Banana

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4 total - 1 ops and 3 shafts with about 10 blades

1 - Easton Synergy si-core grip ops

1 - Easton 06 z-bubble grip w/ z-carbon blade

1 - Easton 05 cyclone w/ hybrid lami blade

1 - Easton 05 ultra lite w/ abs blade

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5 right now, only 3 get regular use tho

the regular sticks.

- Pro stock sundin XN10 Shaft w. pro synth blade.

- Montador R+ shaft w. fitzgerald pro tapered

- Pro stock 04 Synergy Palma was on the sticker.


si core grip shaft.

sherwood 7000 woodie.

x2 sop blades

x3 fitzgerald

easton "robert" pro blade.

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1-piece sticks:

1 synergy st 65 grip modano

1 Hex-1 grip 85 elias

1 Inno Tru-1 220 Fedo


2 synthesis 75 flex

1 Mission flyweight

1 TPS tri-core 3


Bauer XV Hossa

Mission Pro stock Smolinski

Z-carbon Drury

Modano synth woodies

Sher-wood Crosby woodies

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i have a bauer vapor X shaft w/ a sherwood coffey blade, a rebellion hockey "graphite gunner" OPS (for trade-pm if interested, ops not my cup of tea) and a sherwood woodie with coffey curve for regular use. the rest of my sticks (too many to count) are all old ones that i use occasionally for pond/street/outdoor use.

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Pretty much all shafts since my OPSs break, and I don't always have the cash to replace them, but:

Inno 1100 Stand.



RBK 5k shaft

*soon to be added SW flex TPS XN10 from my man WHBD. Can't wait. My other TPS are R and S and they are just a little too stiff. So the SW will be real nice.

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2 here.

One Nike Quest Apollo shaft with a Bauer 4000 P88 blade; my main stick.

One Z-Carbon woodie as an emergency backup -- the blade's a little soft but still usable in a pinch. I'd like to get a real second stick, probably with a blade a little more suited to defense, but my priority right now is on getting some new pants and shin pads, so no new stick for me anytime soon. :(

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Inno True 1 - Kovalev

Inno Novius - Kovalev

Mission M-1 - Leopold?


Inno Novius tapered (x3) w/ Inno Kovalev & Mission L2 Macauley pro stock blades

Inno Novius std (broken OPS) w/ Inno Kovalev blade

Inno 1100 std w/ Easton UL Z-Tac Lidstrom

Hespeler 9010 w/ Easton Ultra Carbon Lidstrom

Louisville aluminum w/ Sher-Wood Chelios


Sher-Wood 5030 Chelios

May soon add a Salming TF10, because I really am running a little low.

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1) XXX Lite

2) Response Plus

3) True 1

4) Ultra Lite w/ Z Carbon

Haven't used 1 yet because 2 and 3 are about to break, probably sell 4 in the next while if I can get enough to buy a new Ultra Lite for it.

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