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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Don't forget Andy Bathgate...

Don't worry Bathgate wouldn't let anyone forget him...actually he was probably not alone in doing this early on...I know "Boom Boom" Alain Caron was pretty famous for his dipping slap shot from a stick which had a big hook, but he didn't play in the NHL till much later on, although he had been in some form of Pro hockey even in the late 50's.

(now showing age)

I remember Caron from a couple of seasons in the EPHL when I lived in Kingston Ontario and watched Bruce Gamble (later with the Boston bruins) in goal for the Kingston aces... "Boom Boom" Caron wound up and let one fly from center ice. You could hear the "THWOCK" over the din of 6000 fans (aluminium was noiser than plastic...)....Gamble dropped to his knees, and then simply tipped forward face first onto the ice....the silence was deafening....He did not move even when the trainers rushed out....They simply lifted him up with one guy on each side.... a hand in each arm pit.... and dragged him motionless with feet trailing to the dressing room.....The silence remained..every man in the place saying silent prayers of thanks it was not them, and feeling symbiotic pain.

Boom Boom Geffreon was well known for his shot in the 50's, but was more famous for beginning the use of the slap shot, than the curved stick...I actually do not remember him using the curved stick, although not many talked about it back then...was a bit of a "trade secret"

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My age gives me a good excuse to be in front of a computor at 11:45 on a Sat night.....I've had a life..... :P

(actually that was my first year not playing in goal.... I know you can understand what an impression that night made on me)

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Started hockey at 17 and now I'm 18. Kinda scared of getting older........ ;)

My bro turned 21 a few days ago but acts younger than me! :lol:

We act like the brothers from that new film "Just Friends" :lol:

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Well at least I'm not the "official" oldest person here but I'm definitely on the "grey" line at 41. It's all good though... my fiancee is 29 (and I've never been married), I'm still a traveling progressive house dj/producer and have absolutely no concept of what a "nine to five" job is unless you count the golf course for a tee time at 9am... 40 is the new 30 (I read that somewhere... without glasses).

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I'm 21 in a few hours

What the hell are you doing home? Get to the bar..... (Disclaimer: To all AA members, very religious people and anyone else who doesn't drink and feels it's a bad thing to do.... I apologize for asking the previous question.... And why the hell are you on a hockey board?) (Again, apologies to all if the previous question.... oh nevermind)

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