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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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I'm 21 in a few hours

What the hell are you doing home? Get to the bar..... (Disclaimer: To all AA members, very religious people and anyone else who doesn't drink and feels it's a bad thing to do.... I apologize for asking the previous question.... And why the hell are you on a hockey board?) (Again, apologies to all if the previous question.... oh nevermind)

actually in Canada the legal age is 19, which might mean he's already back from the bar:)

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Depends on the place. 19 around here, I was out last weekend, and will be out next weekend as well. This isn't a good weekend for me because I just came off nights and all my friends need to go back into their residences for school, which starts on monday. It's not a big deal for me to wait till next week. Plus I had to coach tonight as well.

Just got a Golf G-card from the misses, Drury standard Z-Carbon (hybrid) blade, golf glove, towel, tape. She did well this year :). She's working tomorrow, so thats another reason we stayed in tonight.

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I'm 21 in a few hours

What the hell are you doing home? Get to the bar..... (Disclaimer: To all AA members, very religious people and anyone else who doesn't drink and feels it's a bad thing to do.... I apologize for asking the previous question.... And why the hell are you on a hockey board?) (Again, apologies to all if the previous question.... oh nevermind)

actually in Canada the legal age is 19, which might mean he's already back from the bar:)

18 here. But don't matter since Im 14.

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In the words of the Great Dr. Smushkin, I am Fresh and Sexy

Oh god not Smushkin...if we're talking about the same person a whole lot of my childhood just came rushing back.

edit: 18 btw...19 in august, the day before i go back to school in the US and can't drink legally for another 2 years...what the hell...

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