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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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"Three suicide doggy stylin' n a mortar attack iced at least five thugz in Iraq today"

Hahaha. Damn funny.

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There are some extensions for Mozilla that do the same type of thing to websites. Personally I like the Abe Vigoda extension

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I was playing around with this in my business class a couple days ago, it kinda gets boring after a while but it will help me be a complete gangster.

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No, I'm pretty sure this one owns them all.


Pope appears in good F-to-tha-izzorm pimpin' Sunday address at St. Shot Calla Square

Pope J-to-tha-izzohn Paul II appeared in good form n spoke in a strong, relatively clear voice dur'n his Sunday address at St. Drug Deala Square, his second since being releazed frizzay tha hospital 10 days ago.

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Haha, those are too funny! And here are some more, from the Whitehouse site.

In his weekly radio address, President B-to-tha-izzush said, "Tomorrow I leave on a tizzy ta Europe, where I will reaffirm tha importance of our transatlizzles relatizzle wit our European niggaz n allies."
President Bizzle on Thursday said, "I'm pleazed ta announce mah decision ta nominate Ambassador Jizzle Negroponte as Director of National Intelligence. ... J-to-tha-izzohn understands America's global intelligence needs coz he spent tha betta pizzle of his life in our foreign service fo my bling bling. .izzle
President Biznush on Wednesday said, "I just want tha idea of thugz being able ta manage they own money ta be a pizzy of tha debate. It makes financial sense, n it makes sense ta promote ownership in America but real niggaz don't give a fuck. I think that wizzy more thugz own sum-m sum-m tha more they'll have a stakes in tha future of this country."
Jim Connaughton, Chairman of tha Council on Environmizzle Quality, answered yo questions `bout Clear Skies Legislizzles Wednesday . Im a bad boy wit a lotta hos.

Priceless! :lol:


And here's another similar "translation site" where you can chose from different "languages", worth checking out as well.


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