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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Tackla Hockey

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Are these guys still around? I haven't heard anything about them recently.

I think they used to be part of Montreal but I didn't see any info on them on Montreal's website.

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Nope, two different companies.

The one you have is Montreal (as in the stick manufacturer)

The one I put up is Montreal Hockey, which distributes Montreal and Tackla products.

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Are these guys still around? I haven't heard anything about them recently.

I think they used to be part of Montreal but I didn't see any info on them on Montreal's website.

Tackla is alive and well (and still making the greatest pants ever :D). About ~6 months ago when I was looking into buying a pair of Tackla 9000 pants I, like you, had a hard time finding Tackla's website until I eventually came across www.montrealhky.com

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When I was tracking down Tacklas a couple of years ago, I ended up in contact with Vaughn. I don't remember exactly what the set up was, but I was told there were Canadian made Tacklas and Japanese made ones. I think the Canadian ones were only available in Canada and Japan, and the rest of the world got theirs from Japan. It is confusing, and was awhile ago, but hopefully this jogs somebody's memory better than mine.

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Tackla is distributed by Vaughn in Canada and the US(pretty sure not positive on the US) and Montreal which owns the name controls the rest of the world(Europe mainly). Products probably aren't made in Japan specifically, but in the Asia region.

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I could have sworn I saw Tackla at the Vaughn booth in Toronto

They had the gear in both booths in Vegas but distribute as JR mentioned.

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