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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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SL Question

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Anyone who has one. How are the blades holding up, and how do they feel? If you have used a Si-Core before the SL compare it to that. I use the Si-Core Grips so thats what I know best.

**also, if anyone knows any sites that are selling Si-Core Grips cheap plz include a link**


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I've had mine for around 3 weeks now and I love it. It's got an amazingly constant blade. Its help up great for me... there’s the paint chipping but that’s it. The white stuff on the forehand is tape residue because of the CNT sticker.



EDIT: I took these pictures to show the chipping paint not the whole blade but they might help you out a little...

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i dont find it to be a problem at all... if you're really that concerned about the apperance of a stick rather than the performance its not a good sign

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I've had mine for around 3 weeks now and I love it. It's got an amazingly constant blade. Its help up great for me... there’s the paint chipping but that’s it. The white stuff on the forehand is tape residue because of the CNT sticker.



EDIT: I took these pictures to show the chipping paint not the whole blade but they might help you out a little...

Is the sl that much better than a st? I picked up an st and used it last night and it was a pretty good stick, but i've never tried a synergy before so I can't compare. I chose the st because I couldn't justify spending 70$ cdn more for a 20 gram lighter version of the stick.

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I've used 2 Si-Core's, and this stick hands down blows it out of the water. I've used it 2 times now and although I naturally will rave about it since it was a pretty impulse buy, the blade feels as good IMO as a wood stick. Blades fine, but the paint does chip like crazy, but who cares about that, especially since I usually spray paint my sticks black on the shaft/blade.

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the face is hot as hell but still feels really solid. Its going to feel a little jumpy comming from the si core but once you get used to it the puck just explodes off the blade. Good stuff from easton.

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Sorry, but what do you mean that the blade is "hot as hell." what does a hot bladeface mean?

It means it is not soft and pucks will bounce off it more than before. I had to really close the face down on mine to trap the puck.

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quick question i'd like to know if the SL grip's grip is like the synergy grip's grip because i wanna choose between the SL and the SL grip b/c im in the market for a stick :D if anyone has the SL grip

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the Sl grip is suck soft grip, much much less than the yellow grip. my SL (regular) is holding up real solid after almost 1.5 months. no cracks or anything plus no signs of structure breaks anywhere. blade is still solid as hell. i would recommend thsi stick to anyone. receiving passes was different coming from the si core, but i hated the si core, liek the feel, yes feel, of a regular synergy

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thanks alot yglod11 that really put the SL in favor for buying.........i didn't like the yellow grip it just didn't feel that gripy so if the SL grip's grip was like the synergy grips grip i'd rather consider the regular SL

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wait is the sl grip the same awful grip thats been on grip syns since they made them the awful yellow color? or are you saying they made sl grips with a decent grip on them?

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thanks alot yglod11 that really put the SL in favor for buying.........i didn't like the yellow grip it just didn't feel that gripy so if the SL grip's grip was like the synergy grips grip i'd rather consider the regular SL

its not as grippy

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ya the original "milky" first generation z bubble grips were by far the best grip any stick company has ever had (imo). i wish to hell theyd bring that back on these sticks.

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