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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Best way to kill a hangover

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Gatorade, advil if you really need it, and someone next to you to laugh at you while you struggle to produce english.

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and someone next to you to laugh at you

LOL.... I have plenty of those.

Has anyone ever tried those pills that claim to keep you from getting a hangover? If so did you find it to work?

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Chasers? Those don't work.

Best cure is still the old 'hair of the dog' routine, but usually I'll go with something like Mt. Dew or Gatorade and try to munch on plain bread or anything that will fill my stomach and then plenty of water. Advils as needed. Of course hindsight's 20/20 but I always get some water in-between drinks.

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I usually take an advil and a gravol before I goto bed after a long night of drinking. Heard its not good, but it works.

It's not good.

Drink a glass of water or two before you go to bed. When you wake up, have some water and a piece of bread/toast. If you have the time, a nap works wonders.

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Drink as much water as you can before you go to bed. Every time you get up to piss, have another glass of water. Advil and gatorade in the morning if you need it.

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Drink plenty water before you go to bed! Bread/Toast is also good to stop your stomach from turning too much....

And I know you can't get it outside Scotland, but Irn Bru really is the best for killing a hangover. The drink of the gods :)

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There was a big thread on this a while back with some good answers in case you need some more ideas.

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To prevent a hangover: 2-4 pills of vitamin B12, and water and some greasy food before you go to bed.

To cure a hangover: water, or better yet, a Bloody María and some sex... can't be beat.

Take this from a frat boy, I've had more hangovers than you have had nights drinking. It also helps to try not to think too much the morning after, which makes it worse.

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In the "old days" the way to kill it was to have more beer in the morning.

Does it work???

Hell if I know as I never had the stomach to try that test.

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The only way to cure it is to course the alcohol through your system as others have suggested by drinking a lot of water/gatorade/etc...... or to simply chuck it up when you feel queasy.

I feel a thousand times better after I yak it up if I'm that nauteous. The ensuing, pounding, headache from hell, however...........well I just take some advil or whatever is around, and a nap.

I'm usually fine after that.

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Water before bed and during the night. When you wake to pee a couple hours before you plan to get up, take advil then so that when you do get up the headache has already been taken care of. When you get up more water and/or gatorade. If your stomach is upset, eat toast but make sure to burn it a little since this will help to clean the alcohol from you. Charcoal is used in hospitals to help people who are in with alcohol poisoning.

A cup of coffee in the morning can also help with the headache because the caffeine affects the size of the capillaries in your head but don't have more than one cup as coffee acts as a diaretic and will dehydrate you. The headache is also a function of dehydration.

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Mine was to moove, go work, go to the gym, do something physical, that will help you get rid of the idea that you are still drunk.

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What causes the headache and nausea is the gases in your intestines....like the man said..eat some burnt toast, but take a laxative to clean out you system...then the charcoal will act more quickly to remove tha alcohol from your system. The laxative itelf, once it works willl make you feel better almost immediately.

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A 2 am dennts breakfast and a sobe no fear energy drink in the morning always work for me

I always thought the breakfast at Dennys after last call was part of the problem.

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oh yeah a great place for a story :)

on friday and saturday we organized a big tournament.

after the final all players, coaches and friends came into a big hall and we had a huge party.

in the end i got pretty drunken and on the way back home, i puked into my friends van.

it was last night and he hasnt called me yet, guess he hasnt seen/smelled it :x

its pretty embarrassing... i just puked because his girlfriend cant drive and i was sitting in the back of the van where no seats are and i was sliding around in the back...

oh man thats such a bad feeling

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A 2 am dennts breakfast and a sobe no fear energy drink in the morning always work for me


I always thought the breakfast at Dennys after last call was part of the problem.

At least for me if eat at dennys before heading home to pass out i wake up in the morning feeling 100x better. Its when i dont stop and eat anything at all that i feel hammered the next morning

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lol that was a good story zak :rolleyes:

he just called me.. :huh:

he said that i puked on his camping mats (hes a surfer) and that he had to throw them away.

furthermore his car stinks like hell and he told me to clean it up .. i would have done it anyways.

the worst thing is, that many people will know about this scenario :( <_<

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