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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Which skates based on performance and durability  

76 members have voted

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Hey guys which skate based on performance and durability??? does anyone have any weights on either skate??? which would be lighter or better lightspeeds, tuuks, or razor blades?

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Nobody can answer this. If they've used both, that means 1 hasn't fit their foot properly so their analysis will be biased towards the skate which fit better. If they have only tried the one they cannot give a truthful comparison.

I believe the weights are the same, minus insoles. Around 795, but the Shock Doctors in the Synergy's are more than the insoles in the Bauers.

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Assuming you don't leave your Synergys in the car in the summer, they should be more durable. Performance means different things to different people and as Eazy said, both aren't likely to fit the same person properly.

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I'm currently using lightspeeds and was previously on razor bladez. The Lightspeed gives you better straight line speed, more stability. I liked the razor bladez ability for turning. Don't really notice the difference in weight between the two.

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It's not really a poll to choose just between two models, what about Vector pros, RBK8's, Grafs, Mission, etc.

Most likely he just made his mind up to get one or the other regardless of how they fit.

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It's not really a poll to choose just between two models, what about Vector pros, RBK8's, Grafs, Mission, etc.

Most likely he just made his mind up to get one or the other regardless of how they fit.

Yea, but you don't poll "best skate", yet only offer 2 choices. Should just ask which of the two is better and for what reason. Personally, I think both of those skates are junk (for the money) The Eastons blades are rust buckets and the xxx will break down in a few months, just like the XX. Compared to 8090's or Vector Pros, those two choices are not very durable. No performance difference is noticable.

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It's not really a poll to choose just between two models, what about Vector pros, RBK8's, Grafs, Mission, etc.

Most likely he just made his mind up to get one or the other regardless of how they fit.

Yea, but you don't poll "best skate", yet only offer 2 choices. Should just ask which of the two is better and for what reason. Personally, I think both of those skates are junk (for the money) The Eastons blades are rust buckets and the xxx will break down in a few months, just like the XX. Compared to 8090's or Vector Pros, those two choices are not very durable. No performance difference is noticable.

The kids around here with XXX think they're wonderful but there are a lot of manufacturing flaws and gaps in them. Plus the steel has tons of rust in the holes. It actually flakes off when you stone them after sharpening.

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I wish the synergy fit me, but they are too wide. I am wearing xxx's right now; they fit me like a glove. Thankfully I don't need to bake them. We'll see how well they hold up in the long term.

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I had synergys but the hurt to bad They skated great. Had xxx and had some durability issues and now I am on 8090. If I was to choose between the synergys and the xxx I would go with the synergys with LS. But the pain was to bad in the Synergys but maybe the newone would be better

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Why does that matter? Not trying to be a dick or anything, but thats pretty damn stupid to choose skates for your foot based on what pros are wearing.

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hey guys i need more votes lol. i am leaning towards the synergy skates, but which pros are using them now????

It doesn't matter which pro's are wearing them. All that matters is if they fit your foot type or not.

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i aint gonna base my skates around the pros but i was just going to get an idea of who is wearing them. and do most the pro stock ones leave the razor blades on them??

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Hey man I haven't seen a lot of pros wear the Synergy skates yet, because its still fairly new, and not that many pro players switch their skates often unless they are under contract with a company. But I've seen a fair number of junior players wear them. Also I had the Vapor XXX's and yea they are nice skates, but friggen thing would be great if they were sold in 3 packs because I guarantee you that no matter what tipe of hockey you play they will get banged up as hell. Also I had heel problems with the skates and the manufacturing quality is not that great I had a hard time believing that they were made in Canana because they looked liked something slapped together from China. I just bought the Synergy skates today, I took a risk because I heard both bad and good things about the skate, but to tell you the truth they fit the best with the new G seriers Grafs out of all the skates I've tried and I've tried plenty, plus they are virtually bulletproof and I believe they will last a loooooooong time, and yea if you decide to buy them, get last years model as the changes they made are miniscule and mainly visual.

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Id get teh XXX's. i have used vapors for a while now and they'er great but you should reallyl get the skates that fit the best instead of who's whereing them ;)

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I am really deciding between the Synergy's and the XXX's. I am currently skating in Graf 703's with Lightspeeds, which one fits most like the 703? Also, Is the durability on the XXX's really that bad or are there some good durability stories out there?

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I am looking at both of these skates too along with Graf G3's and I'd have to say that the Vapor XXX is number one on my list. Mainly becuase I have XX's and they fit me perfectly and because my XX's have held up just fine for a year now of playing 2-3 times per week. I weigh 175 lbs and am an advanced level skater/player. I'm only looking at skates because I want to turn the XX's into roller blades.

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