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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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JR Boucicaut

My little "incident"

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while i firmly believe you didnt do anything wrong, being in retail for a long while has taught me one thing, the customer is always right, yes i know it sounds basic and rather simple, but look at it this way, you suck it up and give a free sharpening, that costs 20 buck max, and you have no issue whatsoever. also, this guy, while a major jerk, seems to have some power/authority and the shop could/will lose much more money the the 20 bucks for a free sharpening. also before i say anything else, what exactly is crossgrinding, is that screwing up the skates?

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Years ago, when I worked retail, I realized a simple way to piss off jerks and conver your ass.

Kill them with kindness. They know you are doing it to piss them off and there is nothing they can do about it. I really use to get off on that.

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while i firmly believe you didnt do anything wrong, being in retail for a long while has taught me one thing, the customer is always right, yes i know it sounds basic and rather simple, but look at it this way, you suck it up and give a free sharpening, that costs 20 buck max, and you have no issue whatsoever. also, this guy, while a major jerk, seems to have some power/authority and the shop could/will lose much more money the the 20 bucks for a free sharpening. also before i say anything else, what exactly is crossgrinding, is that screwing up the skates?

The guy is a name dropper. He apparently pulls off the same thing with hockey - goes to drop-in/puckshoots without paying and says that he knows so-and-so...

My boss has my back 100%. We talked today. He was really pissed off at the guy. I don't think anything is going to happen, in fact I am sure of it. Regardless, I am worried that I am going to finally speak my mind and not bite my tongue as I have done in years past.

The customer is right to a certain extent.

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while i firmly believe you didnt do anything wrong, being in retail for a long while has taught me one thing, the customer is always right, yes i know it sounds basic and rather simple, but look at it this way, you suck it up and give a free sharpening, that costs 20 buck max, and you have no issue whatsoever.  also, this guy, while a major jerk, seems to have some power/authority and the shop could/will lose much more money the the 20  bucks for a free sharpening.  also before i say anything else, what exactly is crossgrinding, is that screwing up the skates?

The guy is a name dropper. He apparently pulls off the same thing with hockey - goes to drop-in/puckshoots without paying and says that he knows so-and-so...

My boss has my back 100%. We talked today. He was really pissed off at the guy. I don't think anything is going to happen, in fact I am sure of it. Regardless, I am worried that I am going to finally speak my mind and not bite my tongue as I have done in years past.

The customer is right to a certain extent.

great to hear JR! ;)

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The customer is NOT always right, but they ARE always the customer - the one spending money in your store to help you earn a living. Whether they have a crappy attitude or not, their money is the same colour as anyone else's.

That being said, I love Ponty's response... kill them with such an outpouring of care and concern that they know you are being sarcastic, but they can't say a thing wrong about you "he cares too much, he's too helpful". Beautiful. You don't have to have a similar attitude to get your point across.

Best of luck JR, it's crappy when bad things happen to good people.

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JR. Being one of the "noobs" that comes here, reads the info, but does not post alot I thought that i'd drop my 2 cents. Name droppers suck!!! I deal with them where I work also and it holds no water. That is usually all they are. It is also good to see that your situation worked itself out. Good employers usually appreciate good employees and will protect them(probally out of fear of lost business). Like I said I'm one of the noobs, but you are a very knowledgable person and are appreciated on this and other forums you belong to.

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I basically got lectured about customer service for about 40 minutes. It was very hard to bite my tongue and suck it up. Regardless, it's time for me to move on.

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At least, lecture aside, you know you'll be defended if you're in the right. If they'll defend you against a guy who throws money and names around, they'll defend you against a normal Joe if you're right.

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Right now I'm a marketing intern for Dr. Pepper/7 Up, so I know all about being disillusioned about your job. Instead of being an intern, I should be called a gofer. But you know what helps? Buy The Specials cd with the song "Don''t let the bastards drag you down'. I guarantee this song will make you feel better. Besides that, it's ska music, so it will automatically make you feel better. This is coming from somebody who listens to Pantera, Hatebreed and Dimmu Borgir on a regular basis.

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well, when you leave, take the fax machine (or something from the store you dont like) so you can do heel drops on it... with "back up in your a$$ with a resurrection" playin in the background

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I fit Dante to a T. I'm always in at work when I'm not supposed to be...

I don't know, this incident sounds more like Randall. :P

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I live 5mins from the actual quick stop, and I'll be damned if I don't get myself into the sequel somehow!

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I fit Dante to a T.  I'm always in at work when I'm not supposed to be...

I don't know, this incident sounds more like Randall. :P

Depends...did the rag smell like shoe-polish?

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