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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stick Length?

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I'm still having difficulty finding the appropriate stick length for myself.. I was just wondering, what length do you guys use in conjunction with your actual height? (Ex. (x)cm at 6.1')

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Here's what I go by...

For the sticks I use when playing fwd:

I aim for a length that puts the end between the base of my neck and the adams apple. The lie of the curve helps me fine tune the length from there.

For the stick I use when playing dman:

I aim for a length that puts the end between the adams apple and my chin. Usually the lie on my defense curves allow for a longer stick.

The real key for me is making the tight forehand turns. If I try one and the stick buttend or my gloves hit me anywhere when crossing the hands in the turn, then the stick is too long...I'll cut it to the longest point where I can make this crossover effortlessly.

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Here's what I go by...

For the sticks I use when playing fwd:

I aim for a length that puts the end between the base of my neck and the adams apple. The lie of the curve helps me fine tune the length from there.

For the stick I use when playing dman:

I aim for a length that puts the end between the adams apple and my chin. Usually the lie on my defense curves allow for a longer stick.

The real key for me is making the tight forehand turns. If I try one and the stick buttend or my gloves hit me anywhere when crossing the hands in the turn, then the stick is too long...I'll cut it to the long point I can make this crossover effortlessly.

Thanks for the reply, another question, are you off or on skates when doing these measurements, and what lie do you usually use as a forward?

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I measure when on skates and the lie depends on the brand, but if using the Easton scale, my forward curves are usually around a 5.5...some CCM and Bauer 6's actually have the same lie as the Easton 5.5. If I go much over that, then it causes the stick to get shorter and the puck to play too close to me. I prefer a 5-ish lie on my defense curves.

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I play dman and i like my stick at about my chin. that way you can control the puck in the corner and stickhandle out easly to make a pass. just personal pref. tho

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I'm sure this has been done before, but I like mine at Collarboneish, I'm 5'9, or 5'8 3/4. If you are looking at numbers, I'm 69 inches tall and my sticks are 56 1/2 inches tall.

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im 6'4", so using shorter sticks has always been a necessity. im a forward and i play both roller and ice. my sticks are usaully around between my adams apple and my collarbone - off my skates.. i use 5.5 to 5 lie's.

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PP. I like it short (below chin) and I play D.

I find its easier to keep the puck low with a longer stick, i think it changes your shooting arc to somewhat more horizontal

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PP. I like it short (below chin) and I play D.

I find its easier to keep the puck low with a longer stick, i think it changes your shooting arc to somewhat more horizontal

Dear god, I can only imagine how high mine would be with a short stick.

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I use really anything thats about around my chin and under when im on skates, i have one thats around just at the bottom of my neck, i find it's great for stick handling but it's hard to use when recieving passes that are far out.

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At eye level without skates and around mouth level with skates on. I find this is the perfect height for taking slappers. I tried one that was under my chin and I kept fanning on my slappers. I feel like I need a long light stick to play d with sometimes. And on offense I can stick handle better.

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I cut mine to be even with the bottom of my chin without skates on. I find I stick handle better and feel the puck better without giving up anything on my shot. In fact, I find that the shorter stick gives me a lot more accuracy and workability on my backhand.

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i hate short sticks. its hurts my back when i use them.

i use a senior stick and i only cut it 4 or 5 inches

and im not tall at all.

I like a pretty long stick for the same resons it prolly my skating style

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