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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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What are your pet peeves on certain players.

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What do you hate about certain players like equipment, actions etc. I personally hate players that tuck in their jerseys and long huge visors (short ones are good). How bout everyone else?

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Players with leg zippers open.

Players who slide their sock down over the tendon guard.

Players who go to pick-up hockey and wear sweatpants under their pants and over their shin pads. Buy some socks!

Players with horribly mismatched equipment. You all know them...the ones who wear blue socks, maroon pants, black gloves, and a purple helmet. Come on...you gots ta cooooooooordinate!

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Hate the players that bang and put a stick on you, but when you do it to them and whine and complain about the ref not making a call.

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Pisses me off when player cut the end of blades square, then don't file them down, had soo many cuts from that.

Black holders just look wrong IMO

Don't really mind mis-matched kit for pick up, its always fum to in odd socks and hideous colour schemes then just blow by everyone.. but sure buy some socks instead of joggers

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I personally don't like when people wear their hockey socks inside their skate, I put mine over my tongue. I also hate seeing those ccm helmet's with the built in ear piece.

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I hate CCM Helmets, I hate CCM Gloves, Mats Sundin over all, Alfredson too, hate the long visors, players that butt end (so cheap, i mean seriously, can you not use your shoulder?), players that are too slow to keep up so they have to hook, players that can't pass, I don't like socks over the tendon either, I hate brashear and how he had his shin guards with his tongues taped down, I hate the jerseys with the little tie ups, I think it looks stupid when people have their jerseys caught on their neck guards so it makes them look like they have big shoulders, players that put their lips on the damn water bottle, people that take choppy strides (at acceleration that is alright), Ricchi hair (off of San Jose), if this offends any Americans, I am sorry and I know that the Americans I have played against required to wear them as a rule, but, I don't like the different coloured mouth guards that are hooked to the mask.

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The only thing that has really bothered me was one guy who has a yellow x-ray helmet with bright yellow pro-glo eagles. The problem was, his team was a solid blue. Needless to say, this guy got run a lot.

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Players with leg zippers open.

Players who slide their sock down over the tendon guard.

I do that. ALmost my whole team does it though.

I Can't stand the stupid stop patches that USA hockey is making teams wear.

Kids that wear different colored socks. I guess that all that really bothers me.

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Players who refuse to pass the puck. I also loose a lot of respect for people who go out of their way to look "different". It's one thing to wear gear that works for you but mismatched socks, gloves that don't match your colors and are pro glo, socks pulled down over part of your boot just means you're more likely to be a selfish player.

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I hate people that can't pass, helmets with cheese-grader ear guards (CCM helmets from Zellers), guys with gloves that have laces in them, guys who use very little tape on their sticks, guys who have really, really onld helmets, socks that don't match their jerseys (I dont mind helmets or pants that much). Guys who wanna start fights but won't fight, coaches who wear a sport coat and tie to practices, and exhibition games (normal games are fine), and finally my biggest pet peeve (besides not being able to pass) is guys who think they are good but really suck. Oh ya I forgot another one, when people pull their socks down over the heel of their skates!

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I would much rather put my socks inside of the tendon guards, but they do not really fit because of the Pure Fly's tiny tendon guard. If I could I would.

Anyways, I don't like people who have their zippers open on their pants as well, even though I do it. My zippers are broken though, so I can't zip them up. Also people who wear obnoxious or non-matching gear.

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I hate people with huge upper body equipment and tiny shinpads. I hate those huge weird shaped ccm cages. I hate morons who try to hit you with their slapshots. I hate kids who slash you when you hit them........ take the hit!!! There is a kid on my team like that. Damn you Mark :angry:

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I can't stand peole who think it is cool to try to be "ghetto" on the ice and wear their pants and sgell real low below their knees. I can't stand people who have the nike pants witht he big back protector and let their jersey get caught in it. I don't like people who have two different color laces. People who have odd colors for tape or wax on their sticks. I don't like people who won't take a check. That's about it.

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Like JR, I hate people who wear sweatpants. I hate it when people talk about where they've played and you know its bullshit, yet they find an excuse to bring it up in every conversation. Theres a hell of a lot more, but the games starting.

EDIT: Thought of another one. Regardless of how "good" they are, I hate it when kids use int. and more importantly junior OPS. I guess my mind will change when I see one person actually be able to use it.

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I dislike people who have the ccm x-ray helmet, and in roller hockey people who cherry pick. The thing I hate most is kids that are 8 and have a senior OPS cut in half.

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people that don't skate hard both ways, heaven forbid you have to play some D...quit hanging around the blue line waiting for that breakout pass. I'm not going to pass it to you - I'd rather ice it then help you pad your stats.

then there's always the people who think that they have the stamina of a greek god and don't shift out during open hockey...just plain selfish


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People that pull the back end of their socks down to the bottom of their heels. People who wear full Visors, it just looks wrong. Sweatpants instead of socks it just Fugly as well.

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1.) Daniel Alfredson's hair

2.) Canadian Tire $30.00 Helmets

3.) Z-Leader Visors

4.) Cocky players

5.) Players that suck really bad and have good equipment (I.E. a player playing in the worst league possible using a Synergy)

6.) When the ice isn't flooded between periods

7.) Very Cold Arenas

8.) Arena's with bad Cantines

9.) People who smoke weed, talk back to their coach, don't listen in practice and really think their something special!!

Emphasis more on #9

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