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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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this guy

Getting hit in the pills...

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During a practice last year I was setting a screen infront of the net. One of our big defencemen rips a hard, low shot that hits a toe or something around the hash-marks. Unfortunately, one of the other guys infront was tying me up trying to move me out, so I couldn't get anything loose to defend myself. Sure enough, the puck comes off the deflection (I had one of those moments where everything seems to slow down, and you know what is going to happen, but you just can't stop it...) and catches me square in the cup. I went down and stayed there for quite some time before a few of the guys decided that it was time I get out of the way and dragged me back over to the bench, where I sat down next to a trash can in case my stomach made good on it's threats...

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I love the one guy who refs my one league though. If someone gets sticked in the junk...if you complain....his reply is just "that's why you wear a cup"

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A few months ago in practice we were working on picking up the rebound in front of the opposition's net.

The D man rips a rising slapper from the top of the right circle while I'm standing on the left edge of the goal crease.

Goaltender tries for a blocker save and the puck deflects off the paddle of his stick straight into my cup_dead centre_.

The path of the puck ----/>db. Not fun at all.

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this kid on the snake eyes can shoot an ice puck from 1 side of the ice to the other without touching the ground, his roller shot is 10 times harder, think about getting hit by him. he's the same kid snakeeyes29 and 50 were talkin about.

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this kid on the snake eyes can shoot an ice puck from 1 side of the ice to the other without touching the ground, his roller shot is 10 times harder, think about getting hit by him. he's the same kid snakeeyes29 and 50 were talkin about.

about half my league can do that

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Hey, the title of this thread is "Getting hit in the pills", which seems targeted towards the male posters on the board.

Presumably, there might be female posters? If so, would it be appropriate for them to say that they've been hit in the "pill box? <_<

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i play ice and roller hockey. im a girl and i have never been hit in the "pill box" as u wud say.i dont think many people think about ictures with girls getting hit their

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I think it was 2001 or 02, but WHL Portland vs. Tri City. Joe Balej having an 87mph snap shot, fires one from the high slot directly connecting with the jewels of some poor Tri City winger about 5 ft in front of him... Homeboy blacked out! I knew a guy who was a call up for TRI back then and he said that the cup shattered and he ended up having a grapefruit as a testicle for a few weeks. And it's since then that I have always worn an oversized goalie cup (as a forward).

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I got hit there with a slapper real bad once. Had to go to the hospital and have surgury to remove fluid/pressure. I was walking like a cowboy for a week. It ain't fun at all.

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when it happens it absolutly kills. On tsn a while ago they had a top 10 on this very subject with #1 being a professional soccer player getting hit from about 5 feet away with ball coming at him full speed

"My little peter-packer got hit" ;)

The worst I ever got was back when I was a goalie. It was a two on nothing, the guy on my right made a cross ice pass and I did the splits to stop it, I guess my can slipped out of place, the guy one-timed it and it was a direct hit on one of them. I was down for 5 minutes, then I had to continue though because I had no backup.

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Not in hockey, but in lacrosse, I took one in the sack; no one who play lacrosse wears a cup, well not in rec. league anyways. I still say that hurt more than breaking my arm or my leg.

I hit a goalie last year and I guess his cup had shifted during the play and it was pinching hit one nut when I hit him. I felt so bad after seeing the guy go off in tears.

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Can't you get killed if you get hit there too hard? :rolleyes: How does that happen?

It's scary stuff, sure you can look back and laugh but when it happens it's no joke.

My worst one was taking a slapshot there in outdoor roller with a ball, and this kid shoots about as hard as me I'd say so that ball was probably going 80mph. I was on the ground for 10 mins like a little bi*ch. It managed to hit the beans AND the frank, so I was finally able to go to the bathroom and take look; it was kind of purple-ish :( I just remember not being able to pee for awhile... yea I should have probably gone to the hospital for that one. lol oh well, at least it still works... I think :angry:

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The worst I have seen was to Bernie Parent....longtime Boston standout but then with the Kingston Aces of the old (and short lived EPHL).... A player by the name of "Boom Boom" Caron was a leading scorer in the league at the time, largely because of his tremendous slapshot which also tended to dip rather unpredictably.

Caron wound up at center ice and let fly....In a full and rowdy stadium that could seat probably 6000 - 8000 fans, you could even hear the "THWOCK" over the din of the crowd. Then you could hear a pin drop.........Parent simply keeled over forward face first onto the ice, and just lay there, face down on his knees.....Every man in the crowd physically ached just from the sights and sound.

After 10 minutes in this position without moving....2 trainers grabbed him under the arms lifted and towed him off the ice....his fetal position never changed except to go from prone to vertical.

My personal worst.....in college, skating backwards away from a defender behind his net, my skate catches a crack and I go down hard on my back with both legs in the air and spread....the defender falls on top of me, and the toe of his skate comes down right between my legs....the point of his skate...then without any plastic....catches me in the taint, and the hard toe flattens everything above there....I was sure I had died....Nothing that 15 minutes of groaning and puking couldn't cure though.....played the rest of the game...but my stride was a bit wider....

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I took a wrister from the point this weekend and a guy from the other team stepped infront of it. I think it hit him square in the taint and then ricocheted (sp?) around bit before dropping him and the puck. Sad thing is he fell on the puck so there was quite the scuffle around "the area" all the while he's groaning on the ice. I had to laugh since all I could think about was this thread.

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