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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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April Fools

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My local morning radio show, "Mancow", this morning announced that the Illini Basketball team had been suspended by the NCAA for infractions and that they had to forfeit their game against Louisville. They went on to say Louisville would advance automatically to the NCAA championship.

I knew right away that this was an April fool’s joke. Anyone have any bad jokes played on them today.

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dan patrick show on espn radio reported pete rose would be eligible for the hall of fame next year, even had peter gammons on and a "senior writer" from USA today, it was pretty good

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I had to get some cavities drilled today at the dentist. After he had injected what I thought was novicane into my face, He began to drill and then said "oops, looks like I injected the wrong stuff into your mouth, this is probbly gonna hurt" he let that go just long enough for me to began freaking out. Then he quickly said "April fools" lol. It diddnt hurt.

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On sports radio here in new york people started a rumor that piazaa and cameron were traded for sosa, people keep calling in all upset.

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here they are doiomng this big "harbour clean-up" and a local radio station said that the company doing the consturction work is switching over to some new system and all of down town halifax couldnt flush there toilits or dran the sink/tub.

it was pritty funny.

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It's funny when you set people's clocks back, so they're late for everything. or putting food colouring in the toilet tank, so when they flush, it comes out blue, green, whatever.

***100th post***

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At my brothers workplace, some guy put a sign that said "Masturbating Driver" on someone's car.

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I was told that I would be able to buy a new edger for the rink.....

guess you would have to understand my rink to find that funny <_<

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I was told that I would be able to buy a new edger for the rink.....

guess you would have to understand my rink to find that funny <_<

I've been around enough rinks to find it funny.

I made people believe we had scanned the CCM catalogue.

Oh crap, did I forget the other 80 pages?

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My April Fool's Day downright sucked lol.The only thing that happened was some lady walking into my classroom during school and had those glasses with fake eyes on them....she thought they were funny.I felt ashamed by that fact.

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My April Fool's Day downright sucked lol.The only thing that happened was some lady walking into my classroom during school and had those glasses with fake eyes on them....she thought they were funny.I felt ashamed by that fact.

My cousin just turned 18 today, he got righteously smashed at about 10 in the morning and thought it would be funny to order McDonalds breakfast completely naked. Quite funny, till they called the cops. I thought it was a good april fools joke :lol:

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Going to Catholic school + the Pope's current condition + April Fools Day= some pretty bad jokes.

The Sister at my school, actually announced the Pope had died. I`m not sure it was a joke, but they came on like 20 mins later and were like, theres some confliciting information. It was wierd.

On the morning announcements the principle was like, "grey and blue must be in for spring, as it was a civies day today.....just kidding".Horrid.

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My dad told me was gonna buy me new custom made snare drum with LED lights and all this stuff. I'd been saving up and talking about it for a really long time and I was ready to get a simpler one... he said I could get one like this one; where the price quote from the maker says List Price: If you have to ask, you cant afford it.


you kinda have to know about drums to understand why it made me really upset when I saw what day it was. Its kinda like if your parents brought you home car keys and not a car on april fools day. :(

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wow i got owned all day my girlfreind said we should go our seperate ways but than was all like april fools and i was like oh lol than another girl said she liked me and than she was like april fools than she got me again by saying she only felt dumb telling me she liked me so she said thats why she said it was a april fools day prank and she really did like me than she was like i got you again lol so she burned me again lol ppl are mean

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My dad told me was gonna buy me new custom made snare drum with LED lights and all this stuff. I'd been saving up and talking about it for a really long time and I was ready to get a simpler one... he said I could get one like this one; where the price quote from the maker says List Price: If you have to ask, you cant afford it.


you kinda have to know about drums to understand why it made me really upset when I saw what day it was. Its kinda like if your parents brought you home car keys and not a car on april fools day. :(

holy crap! that thing is awesome. I play drums, and i want 1 now so bad lol

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My Zamboni decided it didn't want to pick up snow and put it in the snow tank. I was waiting for the zamboni to tell me april fools, but it never did. and to think i tought the zamboni and myself had a very good relationship going. It cuts the ice with no problems and i make sure that it gets a bath every once and a while. :rolleyes:

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My April Fool's Day downright sucked lol.The only thing that happened was some lady walking into my classroom during school and had those glasses with fake eyes on them....she thought they were funny.I felt ashamed by that fact.

My cousin just turned 18 today, he got righteously smashed at about 10 in the morning and thought it would be funny to order McDonalds breakfast completely naked. Quite funny, till they called the cops. I thought it was a good april fools joke :lol:

no shirts, no shoes, no service....

this girl (who tried to do it before many times) wrote me a letter completely in japanese...then my friend suggested me that it might be a suicide note...i freaked out while we drove searching for someone to know how to read japanese the entire night.....

not a good experience.... but at least it was false alarm...

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Wow, that thing is pimp. Now that you mentioned how outrages the price sounds ,Just curious, how much does it cost?

Well... a normal acrylic/wood/acrylic drum would cost around... $2500... then add the tube lugs, trick throw off, brass hardware, custom engraving in the acrylic part of the drum, die cast hoops and THEN the LED lights... you're probably lookin at around a $5000-$6000 drum maybe more...

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Wow, that thing is pimp. Now that you mentioned how outrages the price sounds ,Just curious, how much does it cost?

Well... a normal acrylic/wood/acrylic drum would cost around... $2500... then add the tube lugs, trick throw off, brass hardware, custom engraving in the acrylic part of the drum, die cast hoops and THEN the LED lights... you're probably lookin at around a $5000-$6000 drum maybe more...

Hell, just track down a set of Ludwig Vistalite's and rig up lights in them. Way cheaper.

I played with a drummer who had a set like this with extra toms.


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