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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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April Fools

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You have to be careful with acrylic drums - they can get fine cracks under tension. Finding a nice set of vintage Vistalites without cracks is getting tough to do, as people are now finding them to be cool again.

OCDP makes some very nice stuff, but a lot of their stuff is just to much 'decoration' for my liking. I like Bearing Edge (www.bearingedge.com) and RatTrap drums (www.rattrapdrums.com). I'm a sucker for real wood that is nicely finished... but my drums have a wrap so what does that say?

Here's a nice drum from Bearing Edge:


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my team was at a tournament over april fools day. I had no pranks played on me, but one of my teammates did. On that day, our game was at 10:30 am...The kid's dad's set the kid's alarm clock ahead 2 hours to 10:30 the night before after the kid had set it for the next morning.so both of them wake up to it to find out it is 10:30. The kid is freaking out and everything, throwing all his equipment in his bag and everything. Then his dad was like "we can probably make it by the third period. Coach isn't going to be too happy." Just as they were about to leave, his dad told him april fools. :P

kind of an old joke, but it's pretty funny if you knew the family.

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You have to be careful with acrylic drums - they can get fine cracks under tension.  Finding a nice set of vintage Vistalites without cracks is getting tough to do, as people are now finding them to be cool again.

OCDP makes some very nice stuff, but a lot of their stuff is just to much 'decoration' for my liking.  I like Bearing Edge (www.bearingedge.com) and RatTrap drums (www.rattrapdrums.com).  I'm a sucker for real wood that is nicely finished... but my drums have a wrap so what does that say?

Here's a nice drum from Bearing Edge:


How do those wood hoops sound?? But, thats the reason I like OCDP... but I'm not getting that drum anytime soon... I decided I'm going to get a Bell Brass Snare drum. They sound amazing except they weight 19 lbs because of the thick cast brass they use...

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Does anyone have a good prank cooking in their heads for April Fools 2006 yet?

Me, I'm going to Saran Wrap my boss's office entranceway. Hang a friends chair up in the rafters in the warehouse. And since Michigan lost in the NIT I'm changing every fans desktop and screensaver to a logo of the Gamecocks.

Ohhhh this is my favorite time of the year!


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Ill be at a hockey tournament during the day, so any ideas for "at the rink/hotel" pranks Id love to share the storys when i get back . lol.

I already know theres gona be a topic for the "fools" after the day. and then another topic for the "masters" after the day. lol

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theres a few in the hockey prank threads a bit back.

I jus told my coach i broke my leg, and im top scorer on my team and today is the day if we win we win the nationals.


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We had a good one on us. My school used to have saturday classes for Upper School (9-12), but we killed that beginning this year. This email was sent to every student today. You can probably guess why people were a little bit rattled.

Aurora school

may return to

Saturday classes

Apr. 1, 2006. 1:53 AM


Last year, St. Andrew’s College ended an 80 year tradition by permanently eliminating classes on Saturdays. The independent school in Aurora had regular classes on Saturday mornings and no classes on Wednesday afternoons. This enabled the students to participate in sports and other activities without the loss of too much class time. As of September 2005 there were no on Saturday classes. Wednesday classes were extended slightly.

On Friday, the Ontario Department of Education determined that there were not enough teaching minutes per week. The school has been informed that it must add about 250 minutes to its weekly class time between now and June.

The school’s Board of Directors will meet this afternoon to try to come up with a solution. The alternatives are: a) four 60 minute classes on Saturdays (except April 15 and May 20) or B) add 50 minutes of classes to each day. A decision is expected to be made later today.

A decision must be made today. Students and Teachers are invited to express their opinions about the issue. Choose your option: a) four 60 minute classes on Saturdays or B) add 50 minutes of classes to each day.

Send your answer (or comments) to a private conference called SURVEY

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Okay, just a little while ago, I set up my prank.

You know how on some sinks there is the tap, and a hose with a nozzle/gun thing on it? Well anyways, we have one of those and i taped the handle down so when you turn on the water the hose shoots water at the person. I cant wait till my parents go to do dishes.

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Let's just say my dads shirt is soaked.

He put some plates in the sink so I knew he was gonna turn the water on. I was laughing so hard I fell off my chair, soon after I realized that my dads cell phone witha video camera in it was right beside me, I shoulda got it on tape, I'm gonna tape up the tap again, so maybe get him, or maybe my mom.

i"ll inform you if I get anyone else

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who does the dishes at 1 am?

and your prank is a couple hours late

He could of done it before, and just posted when he did. Also he could live out west? Ever think of the possibilities instead of posting something useless.

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We had a good one on us. My school used to have saturday classes for Upper School (9-12), but we killed that beginning this year. This email was sent to every student today. You can probably guess why people were a little bit rattled.

Aurora school

may return to

Saturday classes

Apr. 1, 2006. 1:53 AM


Last year, St. Andrew’s College ended an 80 year tradition by permanently eliminating classes on Saturdays. The independent school in Aurora had regular classes on Saturday mornings and no classes on Wednesday afternoons. This enabled the students to participate in sports and other activities without the loss of too much class time. As of September 2005 there were no on Saturday classes. Wednesday classes were extended slightly.

On Friday, the Ontario Department of Education determined that there were not enough teaching minutes per week. The school has been informed that it must add about 250 minutes to its weekly class time between now and June.

The school’s Board of Directors will meet this afternoon to try to come up with a solution. The alternatives are: a) four 60 minute classes on Saturdays (except April 15 and May 20) or B) add 50 minutes of classes to each day. A decision is expected to be made later today.

A decision must be made today. Students and Teachers are invited to express their opinions about the issue. Choose your option: a) four 60 minute classes on Saturdays or B) add 50 minutes of classes to each day.

Send your answer (or comments) to a private conference called SURVEY

similar thing happened to my school 2 years ago, only it wasn't on april fools and they weren't joking. we got an extra hour of school every day and 2 extra weeks before summer vacation :huh:

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